"I'm sorry about them. You should go an visit them sometime. What was the last time you did?" He asked

"I don't know, 2005 or something." I answered.

"Do you know who did it?." He asked

"No. But when I find out, I'll make them pay. That's a promise I gave when I lost them." I said and he got on. After that, I drove off and we didn't speak for the rest for the drive.





Two hours later, I was in the amphitheater presenting my project in Nano-tech. I was wearing my glasses, so as to read the text I had written instead of learning it by heart. I was answering some questions when I got a text from Tony which popped up at the mini screen and of course took me by surprise.

-I need to talk to you. Now. So get your a$$ back in the house.

I ignored him and continued the presentation. After about 45 minutes I finished. I was closing my backpack when a young woman approached me.

"You are (Y/N) (L/N), aren't you?" She said. "I am Abigail and this is Miranda." The girl behind her shyly waved at me.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked curiously.

"You see, Miranda has a problem with her project. And she was wondering if you could help her with it." She said and elbowed the girl behind her.

"I'm afraid I can't now. I am in a hurry, but I can send you some links that way help you." I said as I placed my backpack on my shoulder. I turned around and left.

I walked out and towards my motorcycle. When I got a text from Clint.

~We need to talk. Make sure you are not followed and don't tell anyone about this. Especially Tony and Nat. I'll contact you in again to set a meeting place.

I just started at the screen in my glasses surprised with that message. I rode on my motorcycle and soon reached my house. I left the motorcycle in front of the door and got in. Everything was dark and the shutters were closed. I took out a gun from my backpack and carefully stepped inside. Then, a dim light turned on but it was only enough to see Tony sitting in an armchair drinking scotch. I placed the gun back in and turned to open the lights, but he motioned me not to do so.  Then he pointed at the couch so I sat down..

"Want some? That's pretty good." He asked but I refused. So he poured another glass for him and drank some.

"You know, what part of get your a$$ back at the house now didn't you aunderstand?" He said as he got up and rubbed his forehead.

"I had a presentation and-" I said but Tony cut me off.


"I couldn't just leave! I had a presentation Tony. Had it not being my day to present my assigment, I would have left the minute I got the message. And it won't hurt to wait a bit. I came as fast as I could." I said irritated.

Dust (Black Widow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now