"Hey, King?"


"Choose anything other than Cupid, yeah?"

I raise a brow. "And why's that?"

With a highly dramatical sigh, she leans against the desk behind her. "Because there are a lot of other Greek Gods than that diapered infant. Now go."

"Well that diapered infant is cute," I make myself sit down once again. "And I want to write about Cupid." More like I want to make Gray write about Cupid because she absolutely hates the concept of love, but that's the same thing.

"Just go and sign up for Diana or Venus or something. Just go."

This lesbian is so gay for Greek Goddesses.

I ain't the only one so yay!

"But what if I sign up for Cupid? And it's kinda easy to write about him. A lot of other Gods and Goddesses are related to him and so, we can write an assignment with more words. And pages."

The brunette gives me a disinterested look. "You done? Now go. You just wasted a good thirty minutes in your speech."

With my eyes wide and cheeks puffed like a chipmunk, I glare at her. "Excuse you, once again. Whatever I told hardly took a minute!"

"Well then," she sighs another dramatic sigh. Sitting up a little straight (she can't sit full straight because she ain't straight herself), she opens her note. After scribbling something, she tears off the page and hands it to me.

"What's this?"

"You'll know. Read it."

And so, I read the paper. In a hardly readable handwriting, I try to understand the words.

"Nobel Prize in Literature to Kaylee Whatever-Her-Middle-Name-Is King for giving a 'hardly' one minute speech that felt like legit thirty minutes.

Yay. (Note the excitement)."

"I don't think they give Nobel prizes like this," I object while trying to feel disappointed in Savanna's handwriting.

If she's so good with her hands, why not write in a way that can be read?

Wait. That sounded wrong on so many levels.

"But I do, Kaylee Whatever King. Now run before someone else books me."

"Book you? What are you? A hotel on Trivago?"

Savanna again shots me an irritated look, and I decide to get up and walk away from that glare machine.

"No Cupid, huh?"

I reach the teacher's table, and Miss Maia smiles at me. "Already decided, I see." I return her a small smile and pick up the marker pen off the table.

Walking to the sheet taped on the wall just beside the teacher's desk, I find the row having Cupid's name. With a smirk, I write my name with Savanna's and put the pen back on table.

After all, I've got a story to tell - featuring Cupid.



Hallooo people!

Thoughts on the chapter cause I'm lowkey stuck between continuing this story and deleting it.

The reason is that this book belongs to a series, a Mafia Series at that. I've got drafts, but I'm not sure if I should publish 'em. Do tell me what y'all think.

Yeah and...that's all for now!

Love yawl! Xoxo


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