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I hop off the bike and try to take the helmet off my head while Savanna stares intently at her phone.

"Is something wrong?"

She looks at me, gives me a look that seems like she was never me in her and then shakes her head to come out that dazed state of her.


I raise a brow. "That didn't sound very convincing."

"It's just mom," she slips the phone back into her pocket. "She was making sure that I'm not dead. Or I'm not making anyone dead."

"I hope your mom is chill with you being late, dude. One time I was late and mom was seconds away from giving an interview about how her daughter would never run away and someone must have kidnapped me."

Sav gives me a weird look and-

"An interview because you were late?"

I look at her and almost ask what's so ridiculous about it. And then I realize what was so ridiculous about it.

"It-uh- it was an interview for-uh- a local news? Yes, yes. A local news."

She nods her head, but her eyes stay narrowed. I clear my throat awkwardly and shuffle on my feet.

"I should be going," she checks her helmet. "See you tomorrow, King?"

"See you," I nod and turn back. Hearing the bike engine rev up, my conscious tells me to turn back lat time but I stop.

I hear her speed up the engine, and I sigh.

"Why are you so stupid, dude?" Mumbling to myself, I open the door to the house.

The first thing I notice is the lack of light in the hallway. The second thing i notice is the low hum of a tune.

I close the door softly, get rid of my shoes and tiptoe towards the room where the sound us coming from.

On the couch, Gray sits with her laptop on her lap and hums a tune of some tune that I don't know about. The tune is familiar, as I've heard Gray hum that before, but it is foreign.

I've asked her what it was a lot of times, but she always shakes her head and changes the topic.

"Peeping is bad, you know?"

I gasp and see Gray shake her head.

"You knew?"

She nods, still not looking up at me.

A little attention would be good.

"Did you eat?" She shakes her head.

"Dude.. you told me over text that you did." Placing my hands on my hips, I glare at her, but groan and plop on the couch when she still doesn't look up and just shrugs.

Too much for caring, I see.

As if on cue, my phone vibrates. I fish it out to see a picture in the group chat.

A pizza with caramelled apple slices on it.


Of all things that are an abomination, you chose this???
My Italian blood is violated.

You're alive???

You're italian???

How many yrs do I need to spend with you bastards so that you at least fxing know my nationality???

But Cupid Says 'No' (GxG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora