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"You're jealous."

I say it as a question, it comes out as a statement. Gray glares, silently threatening me to take back what I said. I don't.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

I shake my head, pushing her a little away from me. "You're jealous, Gray. Just fucking admit it."

"Jealous?" Gray scoffs. "That's your department." She takes a step back and increases the distance between us. "I don't go around telling your flings to get lost."

"Savanna isn't a fling."

"I never said she is."

No one of us says anything again. After sometime of holding her gaze, Gray gives me a final look and turns away. She walks downstairs and so do I.

"What's your problem?!" I yell. "I'm trying to talk and you keep being the absolute asshole you are!"

"I don't know how you still haven't realized it, but it's you who's got a problem. Everytime I say not to do something, you do it. You fuck shit up that never needed to be touched in the first fucking place!"

"Really? Me-"

"Yes, you," Gray seethes. "Did I not tell you to stay away from Savanna a week ago?"

"And why should I -"

"Because she can hurt you-"

"You're hurting me!" And there, I said it.

Gray stands still, looking at me as if I told that I'm a hallucination of hers. She doesn't say anything, nor dies she blink. For a moment, I think she has stopped breathing.

"You hurt me everytime you look at me," I find myself say. "And everytime you smile and laugh and make me think I got a chance with you."

She opens her mouth to day something, but doesn't.

"You hurt me everytime you take care of me, Gray. And all the times you save me. You make me feel like I'm worth all that I've got but then leave me like i don't deserve to be even in front of your eyes. And that hurts me."

"Stop." She says. I keep on going.

"You know I like you and you bring home random girls."


"You tell me to stop being obsessed with you and then do shit that makes me obsess a little more."

At this moment, I feel my nose sting and my throat go a little dry. I keep looking at Gray and her profile goes blurred in my eyes. The tears stay without falling.

"And I fucking hate it when I sleeping and tell me all that things in Persian that'll never fucking know. And then you leave me hanging there! Always."

She shakes her head a little, as if telling me to shut my mouth.

"You don't even see it, or even if you do, you don't fucking care, Gray! I'm in love with you!"

I almost think she'll say something like, "No you're not. It's just an infactuation. It'll pass," but she doesn't.

"I love you." And that's when I break down. I feel the tears running down my face but don't bother wiping them. I let her see me vulnerable.

At last, she speaks.

"And I don't."

I let myself sink it in, try to take some breathes and steady myself. I feel my mouth open without my control.

"I hope you die."

It was something all of us — Axel, Brooke, Riva and me — used to tell when the other got on our nerves. It wasn't anything serious. Just an expression that was as harmless as any of us.

When I say it to Gray, I don't think mean it. But she does.

"Get out of here," she says. I don't argue. Instead, I yell a fuck you and do exactly as she said. I get out.

I slam the door shut as hard as I could and start walking. And just like that, I find myself tracing my way to Savanna's even if it's too early to be there.


I look st the car parked I front of the Harts' house and try to remember if it belongs to either Laura or Sav. It doesn't, as much as I know.

But I've seen it somewhere.

When I knock at the doorstep and the door opens, I realize it's the car that Trish and her friends used.

"Uh, Kaylee?"

"Hey," I laugh nervously. "Sav told you come by and complete our assignment? Yeah, so. Is she home?"

Trish frowns, looks back into the house at someone and looks back at me. Then she clears her throat and says a little louder, "Yeah, Kaylee, come on in."

I get in, remove my shoes and start making my way to Savanna's room. But before I can, Savanna runs out of kitchen and smiles at me.

"I thought you were gonna come around 6," she raises a brow. "It's just quarter past 5."

I shift on my feet. "I just...needed to get outta my house. I hope you don't mind?"

Sav considers something for a minute, but before she decides I see Laura coming towards us.

"Kaylee, darling, how are you?"

"As better I can be," I smile tightly. "What about you?"

"All good, hon, all good. Are you here for a session? I thought we had scheduled that on—"

"Oh, no. I was here to see Sav."

Laura looks at Sav, and then at me. "Why don't you both go up to her room, then?"

Sav nods. "You go on," she tells me. "I'll be there in a minute."

With that, I head upstairs while Sav and Laura almost run back into the kitchen with Trish.

When I get into Savanna's room, I walk to the window and look down. I see the car with its door open, and I see a familiar bag.


My heart almost drops to my stomach when I remember the car and the bag and the men who held that bag. The bag that had twitched.

My breathe hitches when I hear the door close behind me. My heart starts thumping faster when I hear tap, tap, tap of a metal coming from the doorway.

In the glass door of the window, I see a reflection.

Laura stands behind me with a metal rod hoisted up, a maniacal smile on her face. I see her walking towards me, closer and closer and closer.

She says something, but I don't hear it.

She then pulls her hands back and brings the rod onto my head, with my ears ringing die to the blow.



Helllooo people how are we feeling?

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