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Any SavKay shippers here?

"Welcome to Lufi's!"

I look at the cheerful lady welcoming us into the hotel and try to match her enthusiasm. I fail, of course.

"Your rooms are ready," she continues, showing off her dazzling white teeth that compliments her dark skin. "Boys, upper floor. Girls, down floor. 5 in each room."

I see the girls grouping up and boys arguing about who gets to take the beds on the window side.

"Kaylee comes with us," Trish declares, holding Sav's hand. "All others can go choose another room or go sleep in the pool."

There's a pool.

And then, I've to go with them.

I look at Macy and silently plead her to come with me and she agrees. We drag our bags to our rooms, Trish and Sav giving me odd looks when they see Macy with me.

"She can come, right? I can't rot with you two alone."

"She can, I guess." Trish says, opening the room for us. A gush of air rushes out and we step in. The room smells of new mattresses and something I can't figure out.

"It's a huge room," Macy whistles. Savanna hums in response and Trish doesn't say anything.

"There are only three beds? What the fuck?"

I look toward the beds and seriously, what the fuck? Why are there only three beds in such a huge ass room?

"I don't wanna sound selfish, but I need to get a whole bed to my own." Macy says shyly. "I kick a lot. You wouldn't want to sleep beside me."

"That's okay. Both of us will take a bed, then," Sav decides, referring to herself and Trish. "Kaylee can take the other bed."

"Perfect." I nod.

I walk to the bed assigned to me, lean my bag against the closest wall and fall on the bed. The mattress feels soft and cozy and I realize that I am so tired that I want to stop breathing.

"Macy and I are hoping to check the premises " I hear Sav say. "You two coming?"

I hear Trish deny, and I follow suit.

I'm tired, hungry and grumpy. I want to rip off my clothes and jump into a pool and I miss Gray. I hope she hasn't made me pregnant.

After a moment or two, I host myself up on my elbows and see Trish changing her clothes. Looking away, I reach my bag to pull out my tab. When I turn it on, I see notifications about Sagaz Space's press meet.

After clicking on the notif, a screen appears with the visuals of a conference hall. Rosalié Sagaz sits in front of the camera and behind numerous mics.

"This pressmeet has been called to announce about our new project," CEO Sagaz says, her ascent thick. I smile.

"Mind if I sit here?" Trish suddenly asks, and I scoot away to make room for her.

She looks at the screen and smiles. "I've been following her for years. Isn't she great?"

"She is," I chuckle. "Are you into space and stuff?"

Trish looks at me, bites her lips and let's out a small laugh. "Don't tell anyone, okay? I'm kind of a geek."

"There's nothing bad in being a geek."

"There's not," she agrees. "It's just...my parents think this field won't pay much if I don't join a big firm. They want to join the family business."

"What's your family business?"

"Food catering and stuff. Hotel lines. Yada yada. It pays good, so my parents think it's useless to go in some other line."


She sighs. "I know."

"For this new project," Rosalié Sagaz starts again, "we're trying to invest more on new tech. And that brings us to introduce our partners."

"Ma'am, a quick question," a reporter speaks up. "Will there be a budget announcement?"

"Not really."

A murmur starts, but it stops when the CEO taps her mic. "For this project  we're partnering up with the technology giant, Salerno Techs."

I hear Trish gasp, but I sit stiffly. I see a man in a black suit climb the stage, and CEO Sagaz greeting him. I tell myself not to scream at screen on my dad for wearing that goddamn mustard colored tie.

"Salerno Tech? Wow. They're one of the firsts to surpass the $1 billion line."

"You into tech, too?"

"I'm a geek, remember?"

"Have you ever met him?"

She laughs. "I wish. Maybe someday, I guess. Franco Salerno and Rosalié Sagaz, both of them."


I toss and turn in my bed, and I see Sav doing the same beside Trish. I've been listening to podcasts and songs for the past three hours, and I still can't sleep.

It's 1:00, the night is dark and I wish some wandering ghost would at least come and have a chat with me.

When you live with psychopaths, bodyless dead things don't scare you much.

I try calling Gray, but it says switch off. I gotan and thrown thr phone on the carpeted floor, silently praying that it didn't break.

When I hear some rustling, I see Sav pulling the sheets off herself and moving out of the bed. She crosses her own bed, then Macy's, and stops near mine.

"Can I sleep here?" Before I protest, dhe speaks again. "Trish has hogged up all the space and I can't adjust myself there."

Hesitanting a little, I scoot over and hold up my own sheets. She lies beside me, covers up herself and mutters a thank you under her breathe.

"Why aren't you asleep yet? She asks, snuggling a little closer to me. "I don't know," I reply, "before it was really bad insomnia. Now it's just...something else."

"I get it. If insomnia, too, but it doesn't attack as much now."

"Is that why you were sleeping at 11:00 in the day when we first went to your home?"


And then, silence.

I turn my back to her and try to sleep, but fail. Sighing, I turn to face her and my heart almost stops when I see her looking at me.

"Dude!" I whisper-yell. "You almost killed me!"

She doesnt say anything. Instead, she brings her hand and places the palm against my cheek, the contact giving my some warmth it needed. She leans in a little.

"What are you—"

She leans into me and presses her lips on mine.



How many of  you saw that coming, tho?

Graylee shippers, I'm soo sorry (actually I'm not)

Stay safe xx

But Cupid Says 'No' (GxG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora