Epilogue - 2

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Years later,

Trish stands in front of two graves, one beside the other. One of her palms holds the wrist of other hand, thumb occasionally running up and down. She stands and stares, her heart pounding harder and harder.

"Ma'am?" Someone calls behind her. "It's 9:00. You had told to remind you."

Trish nods without looking back. When she hears the man go away, she sighs and crouches. She presses her palms on the graves, waits for ten heartbeats to pass.

Five for each of you, she thinks, five years since I lost both of you.

With a soft exhale, she gets up and nods. With a last look at Savanna Hart's and Aman Bagchi's grave she turns around.

As she walks away, she thinks if it's foolish of her to come to a resting place where no one might be resting.

It's the thought that counts, a voice inside her head says, even if you were the one who dug their graves to take away their bodies.

Trish tries not to let the voices win this time.

You betrayed them in their death, the voice says.

It was to survive, she reasons out.

The only difference between your parents and you is this, the voice scoffs, they sold you out while you were still alive, but you didn't spare your friends even in their death.

Trish makes a mental note to ask her therapist for a larger dose of her prescription.


On a private island, a lone penthouse stands. It's surrounded by exotic fauna, marbled paths and platoons of security personnel. Inside the penthouse, a twenty-four year old frowns at the window of her bedroom.

"Miss Ruhi," a housemaid begs for the twentieth time in two hours, "please eat something. You need to take your medicines."

It has been exactly two and half an hour till Ruhi Salerno woke up and chose to be a pain in the neck.

"I told you to leave the food," Ruhi sighs. "Or just leave with the food. I don't care."

"But ma'am–"

"Today's her birthday!" The Salerno cuts off the maid, her nose suddenly stinging and her eyes watering. "Today's Gray's birthday and she – she's not here! Why is she not here?!"

Sensing an impending breakdown, the maid keeps the food on the table and leaves.

"Why are you not here?" Ruhi asks, her palms clasped tightly and yet trembling. "I just– fuck–I—"


Someone walks up to her, wrapping their arms around Ruhi's waist. "Baby, hey, what happened?"

The first thing Ruhi does on hearing Gracine Shaurya's voice is sob even harder.

"Y-you weren't there when I woke up."

Gracine leans down and softly kisses Ruhi's, her lips lingering on the spot till Ruhi's sobs turn into tiny sniffles.

"I'm sorry," Gracine apologizes at last, but doesn't elaborate further. Both of them stand and stare out of the window.

Years ago, when Gracine Shaurya and Ruhi Salerno died, the Indian mafia did anything they would to change it. After months of experiments and failed procedures, they were finally able to revive the heir to their clan and someone very, very important to the said heir.

Riva King was the subject assigned to Ruhi Salerno due to the similarities in their DNA. The procedure brought Ruhi PTSD, anxiety disorders and unthinkable power along with a new life.

After being buried after their final rites, Savanna Hart and Aman Bagchi were dug out of their graves to be used as subjects for Gracine Shaurya. The procedure but the Shaurya a new hunger, deeper and more dangerous.

Presently, Ruhi Salerno stays out of the world's eyes, but most importantly from the Delians, the Greek-Italian Mafia.

"Cuddle me?" Ruhi asks, her hand tightening on Gracine's. As a reply, Gracine throws them bought onto the mattress, Ruhi's giggles filling the entire room.

There are things to be taken care of, but they can wait. All Gracine Shaurya cares about right now is to keep her girlfriend warm.

After all, she didn't go through all these for nothing.



So, this is where it ends. Yup. Thank heavens.

(I may or may not have forgotten Trish's surname)

I started writing this when I was really young and did a fucking turn in the middle of the whole story because something happened.

It was really supposed to be a fluffy romance but look where we are rn

Thanks for making it till here, if you stuck by. There were days when everything was shitty and the only thing that kept me sane was watching you people interact with something I made.

This is a train wreck and I swear the other things I write will be better.

All the love xx

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