Chapter 1. Life After Death.

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A/N: I've finally come around to writing this again so to get back into the story, I'm reading through it and editing what I've already written so far as I go so when I get to where I left off, I'll understand what's going on again.

Stay safe and enjoy~

Rose POV:

I bite the inside of my cheek as another kick lands on my side, a familiar metallic taste filling my mouth. This had been going on for a few hours already and I was started to get light headed.

I was an orphan living in 'South Crest Honour Orphanage' in England. My parents had died in a car crash after a jealous colleague of dad's had cut the breaks in an attempted murder. I was in the car when it happened so I had to watch both my parents die right in front of my eyes.

Miraculously however, I came out unscathed, though I didn't stay that way for long. 

My life only went downhill from there, going into on orphanage at 4yrs old where the woman, who's supposed to care for you until you find a new family, treats you like dirt and half the kids mysteriously disappear before they turn 10.

I'm currently 7yrs old, one of the older kids here, so things aren't looking too good right about now for me.

The Head of the orphanage was a nasty woman who makes up call her 'Lady Morgan'. She had been cheating on her husband with several men, only to find out that he had also been cheating on her and had even fathered an illegitimate child with his mistress. After this, she had played the victim as though she were a saint in all of this, though the two were honestly as bad as each other. A match made in hell.

Though following this incident, Lady Morgan had taken on a sever hatred for children and downed in her sorrows with a bottle of wine. It was these times that we all knew to stay away from her because we never knew what she would do in this state. 

She became unpredictable and dangerous.

What was happening now was the result of one of these times. She had been drinking as usual and we knew to stay away but someone had to make sure she was still breathing, so after she stopped crying and shouting, I peeked threw the door to see her not moving. It was my mistake to check if she was okay or not, since as soon as I made it into her field of vision, she had lunged for me.

Which leaves us here, with me lying in a pool of my own blood with a woman drenched in her own vomit stood over me. Just lovely.

I was breathing haggardly but I knew I'd be fine since I'd been threw worse but be the looks of it, Lady Morgan wasn't even near finished yet as she stormed out of the room and I heard her heavy foot falls as she made her way to the first floor where the other children had hidden themselves away. I had told the younger ones to 'Play Ninja' and hide somewhere while I checked on Lady Morgan but I couldn't count on how well they hid.


*Distant screams*

With what little strength I could muster, I forced my body to move as I got up and ran as fast as my battered body would let me as I bounded up the stairs two at a time, the pain wrecking through my body long forgotten as I bolted around corners to stop in a doorway to see Lady Morgan towering over two twin little girls around 3yrs old with her leg raised, ready to stomp on them.

Without giving myself time to think things through, I launched myself towards the angered woman and tackled her to the ground. Her raised leg had left her off balance and made pushing her over easy, but keeping her down was another story.

Looking around wildly as I struggled to restrain the now thrashing woman under my 7 year old frame, I saw some of the other kids who had rushed towards the noise to see what was going on stood around the doorway looking in with horror. It was now or never.

The Survivor Who died || original. - rewrite on profile.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें