Chapter 3. Not So Alone.

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A/N:  Despite not able to go to college, I still have to do my work at home and send it threw email. Which I don't mind since I'm doing Access Art & Design and the work is pretty easy once you know what your doing. The problem is that I can't get into my college email. And I can't go to college since its closed. Oh joy. 

Sasuke's POV:

It had almost been a week since...everything happened.

I was now completely alone. Everyone dead. Mother. Father. Shisui...

How could Itachi do this!? He'll regret keeping me alive because once I've become strong enough, I'll kill him with my own hands!

My hands balled into tight fists, almost breaking the skin of my palm.

I was currently sat in my seat in the academy. Iruka Sensei was off chasing after the dobe again and we were all left unsupervised to study on our own. This is such a waste of time.

"Hey, Shikamaru, wanna go to the candy store with me after school is over?" I heard a voice in front of me say to the kid next to him. Tch, these guys aren't even bothering to work at all.

"Ah. No way, no way...It's ok for you because you have a nice mother but if my mom finds out that I spent my money on junk food it would be a pain the in ass..." I tuned out of their conversation. I don't want to listen to that crap right now damn bastards.

But soon I wished I had kept on listening. Maybe then I'd have been too distracted to hear that the kids behind me were saying...

"Did you hear... it seems that everyone from the Uchiha clan was killed."

Oh really? I hadn't notice.

" dad was also talking about it. It seems like that guy was the only one who survived." They whispered amongst each other but I could still hear every word. And with every word I heard, the lower I felt. If that was even possible.

I set a fixed gaze to the front trying to block everyone out. Before long, Iruka came back and dismissed up for the day so I left as quickly as possible before anyone could start asking questions.

I ignored everyone I passed and left the grounds. As I walked down the streets, I kept my head down but I could see the villagers staring and pointing at me from my perpetual vision. they were making whispering to each other but their voices where poorly disguised.

"Her look, its that kid."

"Isn't he the only survivor of the massacre that happened a few days ago?"

"Pfft, if you ask me, he should have died with them. The Uchiha where always arrogant bastards"

I could hear them whispering every word and it seemed to be louder than all the other sounds around. People would back away and give me room was a walked past, treating me like something fragile or just not wanting to get involved all together.

I hated it. 

Since the academy was over, kids where walking with their parents. Mothers holding their hands. Fathers carrying their kids on their shoulders. laughing together and smiling...

And now I'm alone.



While walking, I looked up to see I was in front of the Uchiha compound gates. I must have walked this way unconsciously.

The yellow tape was still barring the entrance warring people to stay out as I silently ducked under it and entered the familiar deserted streets.

It was eerily silent but I could still hear the feint sounds of the village from outside the gate but it soon faded away as I got deeper into the compound. The streets had been cleared and cleaned but the houses were still in ruins, sword marks still scaring the walls.

The Survivor Who died || original. - rewrite on profile.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن