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„We have to get to the bottom of this.", Michael said, „But I guess it won't be easy, Idy. Jerry is a really big fish in Las Vegas. He and the whole entourage around Frank Sinatra are very powerful in this town. Although it's no secret that they do a lot of monkey business, nobody has been able to convict them so far. These guys are under the protection of some really influential people. Some of the hotel owners are involved in their crimes and I don't talk about bagatelles. It's all about a lot of money, influence and drugs."

I had a hard time to believe what I just heard. It seemed that I had opened pandora's box. Now I understood why Jerry had chosen us showgirls in particular. Obviously he thought that we were naiv and would not have any clue about what was going on. And he seemed to think that he could silence us by threatening us. But he had messed with the wrong show girl. I wanted to see him behind bars. But what I didn't want was to put Michael at risk. I held him tight in my arms. I was glad that I had told him the whole story, well almost the whole story.

I looked over Michael's shoulder and recognized Charly approaching us. He had been staying in Las Vegas during Elvis' absence. His boss had given him the order to look after me. The first day after Elvis had left, he had followed me like my own shadow. That's when I asked him to back off and look for a more useful activity. After I had met Michael he joined his team and Michael was glad to have him. But first I made Charly promise that he would not tell Michael anything about my relationship with Elvis. I knew that I could count on him.

„Hey Charly, already finished work today?", I asked and waved to him.

„No, on the contrary. I'm looking for the boss. Have you seen him, Idy?"

I felt that my face turned red. I tried to remain calm: „As if I would ran into the king just like that.", I answered with a fake chuckle. Charly quickly noticed his mistake.

„Hey Charly!", Michael patted his back, „Let me know when you need an additional man for Mr. Presley. I think I could get some more staff from the Sands".

Michael obviously seemed not to have any clue and I wanted to leave it that way. Elvis was history anyway.

Charly shook his head: „Thanks, but I think we will be okay. But just now he seems to have escaped. I have no idea where he could be. He has an interview appointment right now. The Colonel won't be pleased at all if we arrive too late."

I felt sorry for Charly because he looked quite desperate. I knew I had to help him: „I heard somebody saying that Elvis Presley has just left the director's office."

„Thank you, Idy. I will check on that.", he smiled at me and left.

„That's typical Greenbaum. He pretends to be important." Michael shook his head with disbelief.

„I understand him very well.", I defended the hotel director, „The making of movie is very good for the hotel and his returning to the Flamingo will attract more visitors. I don't blame him."

„You are right.", Micheal admitted with a smile. Then he took me into his arms tenderly. I wished I could be with him like this forever but I had to prepare myself for the evening show. So I gave Michael a little kiss good-bye.

After the show I felt pretty tired and went to my room immediately. Michael did a night shift. I just had been eating for dinner when suddenly somebody knocked on the door impatiently.

„Idy, please open the door. It's an emergency. I need your help!"

It was Charly. I clearly heard the despair in his voice. Something terrible must had happened. With a weired feeling in my stomach I opened the door.

„Charly, what's up?"

Charly seemed to be quite confused. He was sweating.

„I don't get it. I never have seen him like this before, Idy. What should I do now?"

"Please calm down, Charly!", I said, "Now from the beginning. What exactly had happened?"

„The boss, Mr. Presley, he, I....I couldn't find him today. It seemed that he had disappeared. I informed the Colonel regarding the interview. But he also could not find him. Just a few minutes ago he suddenly appeared again. He is in bad condition, Idy! He is totally wasted. When he saw me he got aggressive. I swear I  have never seen him like this ever before. He accused me that I had not looked out for you sufficiently and he wanted to know who the other guy was. He must had seen you together, Idy!"

„Well, that's good.", I answered, „Maybe now he will know that it's over."

„He fired me, Idy! Just like that. Please tell me how I should explain this to Maggy. We wanted to marry next month. How will I be able to build a family without a job?"

I was devastated as I heard Charly's words. Elvis obviously had over reacted completely.

„Oh, Charly.", I took his hand in mine in order to give him some comfort, „I'm sure if we ask Michael he will..."

„Unfortunately that's not an option for me. To work for Michael would mean that I would have to stay in Las Vegas. But our home is Memphis. Can you understand that?", I saw a little tear in Charly's eye.

I nodded and tried not to cry. It hurt me to see my friend like this.

„How can I help, Charly?", I asked.

„Please talk to him, Idy. He is a good man. That's what I know for sure. He will listen to you. Perhaps he will give me my job back."

I was impressed by Charly's loyalty: „That's the least I can do.", I assured.

There I saw a twinkle of hope in Charly's eyes and he smiled at me.

When we arrived at Elvis' suite, I knocked on the door. But nothing happened.

„Elvis? It's me, Idy! Please open the door! I have to talk to you!"

I knocked numerous times but Elvis didn't open.

„You said that he was drunk when he went back to his suite?", I asked Charly.

He nodded: "He really was in bad shape."

Suddenly I had a strange feeling and I began to panic.

„Hurry Charly, we have to get in there! Now!"

Charly knew what to do and kicked the door several times until it finally was open.

I entered the room hastily. As I took a look around, it seemed that nobody was there. As I went to the bed and looked behind it, I suddenly saw him. Elvis was laying on the floor and he obviously was unconscious. I rushed up to him and kneeled down.

„Elvis! Wake up! Elvis!"

He looked so peaceful just as he was taking a nap. But when I touched his face, I realized that he wasn't breathing anymore.

„Charly! We need a doctor!" I screamed desperately as I held Elvis' lifeless body in my arms.

- to be continued-

VIVA LAS VEGAS - 1 ENGLISH EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now