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Hola Muffinoies! 

I know I am late but SCHOOL WORK!!! UGH...

But, Anyway, I am back with a new one-shot!
This is not the one I told you guys about last time, but it's just a small one while you wait!

And the Chapter Heading is real........idiotic. But I couldn't think of any other name... {Please lemme know if you guys got a better one!}

Anyway, {dam you ADHD} Here goes the shot!


Katie's eyes roamed all around the arena, in search of a certain mop of brown hair or maybe even a glimpse of Persian blue. But to no avail.

She was really worried about that moron right now. 

She hadn't seen his smirk at the pavilion during breakfast, or him teasing her in her strawberry fields, or his hands snatching off her precious little fruits just to annoy her. 

Most surprising of all was, she wasn't pranked today. YES, HER CABIN WASN'T COVERED IN ANY SORT OF GOO, OR FEATHERS, OR HAD HORRIBLE, ROTTEN PLANTS ALL OVER FOR THE FIRST TIME! Was she happy? Absolutely! Was she exaggerating things? A lot!

You see, Katie had this stupid, tinie-tiny crush on the son of Hermes. She always used to bicker with him as it got him to say something, it got him to cackel that would create small crinkles, it got his eyes a spark - an easy, amused look, it got him to smile that Katie loved to see. 

Was she in love with him? No...Maybe...Okay...She was!


She couldn't focus on sword fighting that day. She was losing her concentration now and then. Even, Miranda was surprised! She never lost her focus! 

It was just getting too much now. 
Katie grumbled and threw her hands up, 

"I'll be going." She told Calla - her half-sister. She didn't know why but Calla muttered something like, "I knew it! Should have gone earlier!". Katie didn't waste her time to think through it.

She jogged towards the beach, to start her search. No one was there! 

Groaning, she headed towards the woods. Maybe Travis got lost in there. He was stupid that way. A cute stupid. Her little brain chimed. She decided to ignore it.

In and in she went, inside the deep forest. She asked all the friendly nymphs if they knew about Travis. Some of them answered her "I don't know", some just smirked and vanished in a green puff. Some friendly ones told her about a boy who was crying somewhere near the heart of the woods. She thought it was Travis. But she had one problem, a big one. 

That place was out of limits! It was more prone to monsters. 

Katie decided to take risk. Not for that idiot, for the boy who was crying. 

The trees were starting to be denser, blocking the sun rays. A few steps later, the forest was black. Sobs could be heard from somewhere. 

"Why Gods! Why?! What did my mom do? Noth-nothing." It broke down into hefty sobs again. 

Katie tip-toed towards the person, to not scare them away. When she got closer it was easier to see that person, him, Travis Stoll. 

"Travis?" Katie whispered. 

Saying he was scared would be an understatement. He jumped up high and took out his word which instantly made contact with Katie's soft skin. 

"Katie?" He shouted, "You scared me to death!" He sheathed his sword and again slumped back to his spot on the ground, leaning against a big rock. 

"Are you okay?" Katie asked, sitting next to him gently. He just gave a nod and starred off in the distance - into nothingness. 

"Why do you even care?" He asked after a moment of silence. 

Katie just shrugged off. "I was strolling around checking up on plants. Found you." She lied. 

Travis seemed to buy it, "I was just curious that my enemy would be searching for me." He said anyway.

Katie felt hurt, but agreed anyway. They sat there for some minutes - in complete and utter silence - and Travis was calm now. He wasn't crying or whimpering anymore. 

"So, why are you here?" Katie finally asked. 

"Nothing. Just wanted to have a bit of space alone." He answered, turning his head towards Katie. His blue eyes had tears staining them, threatening to escape any minute, his curls were way messier and his face was splattered with dry tears. 

He was lying, that was clear. "You can tell me you know," Katie whispered.

"Since, when are you so...worried about me?" He asked as if the thought of Katie being concerned for him, was amusing.  "I thought you hate me." He stated as if that was the simplest and the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't hate you, Travis," Katie said, holding his hand gently. Her brain was freaking with the ideas that could happen. She decided that she would tell him everything, right there and then.

Her un-occupied hand went up and caressed his cheek. 

"Katie." Travis breathed out. 
Before any of them could process anything, Katie's lips met his. 

Her brain stopped for a second. Until Travis kissed her back. The kiss was soft and tender. Their unspoken words said in it. 

"I don't hate you, Stoll. I like you, idiot." Katie spoke after they pulled away.

Travis just chuckled and slid a hand around her.

Both of them sat there silently, enjoying each other's presence.


And done!

Well, the idea looked much better in my head but came out differently on paper. I am not good at writing kiss scenes, but that was my best shot.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Apollo-gise, for the late update!

I hope I'll see you guys next time!

Stay Home Stay Safe!

~Valdez Out!

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