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Keishin Ukai was a normal guy. He lived a normal life in a normal town with a normal job. But he had discovered something... not so normal about himself. He didn't know when it had started but something about the orange haired first year made him feel things. He didn't want to, but he couldn't stop himself from admiring the smaller boy when he practiced his spikes and serves in the gym, staring at him for a little longer than he was supposed to, letting his touch linger a bit more after helping him with technique. But Hinata had no idea, he couldn't feel him staring and he didn't think anything special of the lingering touches. Keishin felt strange and he didn't know what to do with himself, the result of this was a stressed and nervous coach.

Practice was coming to an end, the boys were cleaning up and talking. But a certain energetic libero had picked up on Ukai's odd behavior and wanted to check on him. He walked up to the man.

"Hey coach, is something up? I dunno... you just seem kinda off?

This question startled Keishin but he had to keep his composure.

"I..." Keishin wanted to tell someone about his feelings, he really did. He couldn't keep it inside anymore, Nishinoya was his best option right now. He had no choice but to trust him. "actually, Nishinoya.. can we talk?"

"Oh okay, sure"

They walked outside, Keishin closed the door behind them. He took a deep breath and looked down at Noya.

"This is gonna sound really weird, but promise not to tell anyone. Can you promise that?"

Nishinoya nodded.

"Alright... I've started... feeling things for Hinata. I don't know why or how but every time I look at him I feel all warm inside. I want to spend more time with him, outside of school. I know it's wrong, really wrong, but I can't help it." He exhaled and looked at the second year in front of him, he was sure his face was bright red.

Nishinoya stared back at him, eyes wide and mouth open in disbelief.

"That is what's been bothering you, I... I won't tell anyone but oh my god"

Keishin felt both relieved and disgusted, it felt good to vent about it but hearing himself say those things out loud made him realize how wrong it really was. But the more he thought about it, the thought about it being wrong only made his feelings for Hinata grow. Is Keishin Ukai really a normal guy anymore?

Ukai goes to JAIL - a Haikyuu!! fanfiction adventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang