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After hearing about Hinata's feelings Nishinoya didn't know what to do or how to react. He didn't feel the same way about him, but he couldn't just tell him that after everything else he had told him. It wasn't the best decision he had ever made, but he let go of Hinata and ran away.

Hinata was devastated, he dropped to the ground and started sobbing. First he was informed that his coach had creepy feelings for him and now he had embarrassed himself in front of his crush. While crying he heard a soft voice call his name, he looked up and saw Sugawara walking towards him.

"Hinata, are you okay? Did something happen?" He said in a worried tone, Hinata just sobbed in responde. Suga crouched down next to Hinata "Do you want to tell me what happened?" Hinata shook his head, thought for a few seconds and then decided to actually talk to him "Nishinoya told me that-.... that coach Ukai had creepy feelings for me.. and then I accidentally told him I loved him and then he ran away" Hinata managed to get out between his sobs. Suga was.. surprised, to say the least. This was not what he was expecting but now he had to deal with it. "Come here, Shoyo" he opened his arms as an invitation for a hug and Hinata let himself be embraced by the third year setter. It felt... safe. He liked it. Suga let Hinata hug him for as long as he needed and when they let go he smiled at him. "It's gonna be okay, trust me" Hinata just nodded "I.. I think I need to go home now" Hinata said and got up and walked over to his bike "Thank you, Suga". And with that, he left the school on his bike.

In the meantime, Nishinoya had called one of Hinata's closer friends, Kenma.

"Hey Kozume, are you busy? I need to talk to you about something, It's about Shoyo"

Kenma didn't seem very interested until he heard something about Hinata, he did want to know if something was up with his friend.

"Hm, what is it?"

"Hinata confessed to me, he said he's in love with me but I didn't know how to react and I ran away and now he's probably really sad"

"That was stupid" Kenma responded

"Yeah I know- and I also told him that coach Ukai has feelings for him-"

This surprised Kenma

"You what?"

"But it's true! He told me and I felt like Hinata needed to know but it was probably really dumb now that I think about it..."

"Yeah, but have you done anything about your coach, I feel like he should get in trouble for that"

"Well he hasn't done anything.... yet... oh god what if he touches Hinata- no. I won't let that happen. I'll protect Hinata like the great senpai I am, I won't let that creep get anywhere near him. Don't worry Kozume, I will protect your friend!"

Kenma was about to say something but Nishinoya hung up before he could speak. The libero definitely felt better about himself after talking to Kenma but he still felt guilty about what he did, he decided to just go home and sleep.

Ukai goes to JAIL - a Haikyuu!! fanfiction adventureWhere stories live. Discover now