zale poured themself a cup of tea, avoiding eye contact with the red eyed girl. they then went back to the couch and took lynn's spot.

"hey! i was sitting there." lynn complained, leaning against the counter.

zale shrugged, sipping their tea. "well, now you're not."

lynn groaned, exasperated. "zaleee, will you help me or not?"

zale glared at the dark haired girl, setting their cup on the coffee table. "why do you want to go see eric? you know very well that mae and i do not approve of him. he's not a good influence on you! besides, you said you had a girlfriend. i'm sure she's way better than eric."

lynn clenched her fists, her teeth baring slightly. "i'm not a child, zale. i don't have to have permission from you or mae to see eric."

"actually you are a child. you're seventeen and eric is twenty two. there's an age difference. he's abusive and manipulative. when will you see that, lynn? you don't need him. and he doesn't want you. so leave it alone."

lynn pulled out her gun, aiming it at zales head. "tell me where the fuck eric is or i swear to god i will pull this trigger."

zale narrowed their eyes, not falling for lynn's bluff. "i'm your friend. do you really want to kill me just because i won't let you see your abuser?"

"he didn't abuse me."

zale stood up, their face flushed. "oh, he didn't abuse you huh? what do you call frying your brain then? shoving you? hitting you? lynn i fucking witnessed it all. i was in the same lab. you looked at him like he was some sort of idol. and he looked at you as if you were a rat in need of extermination. yeah, maybe he played around with your feelings a little, to make you loyal. but he didn't love you. he didn't care for you."

lynn's eyes glistened but she refused to let her weak side show. "fuck off, zale."

zale walked up to the barrel of the gun, giving lynn a perfectly good chance to shoot them. when she failed to do so, zale gently took the gun from her and placed it on the table. "lynn, come sit down. talk to me."

lynn shook her head, wiping the tears off her face. "there's nothing to talk about. i just need to know where eric is."

zale sighed. "what will you do if you can see him?"

"talk to him. tell him i'm alive and that i'm with mae now."

zale sighed again, defeated. "fine. i'll tell you where he is. but promise me, you won't stay long and you'll go right back to mae after you're done. you won't see him again."

lynn nodded. "i promise."

"i'm going to get you out of here, my darling. just you wait." eric said, kissing her on the lips.

lynn smiled, leaning into him. "then we can be together?"

eric's eyes flickered but he smiled, running his hands through her hair. "of course. and we can use your gifts to rob banks and become rich."

lynn nodded. "when is this going to happen?"

"soon, gorgeous, very soon."

"he's in maryland. DC. i'm sure you'll be able to find him from there." zale said, giving her a worried smile. "please be careful."

lynn returned her smile. "don't worry, i'm just going to pop in and say hi. then i'll return to mae right away."

zale nodded and watched sadly as lynn left, soon to be in california. they pulled their phone out of their pocket and dialed maes number.


lynn appeared in dc, scoping out the area. she was sure she could spot eric's blue hair anywhere. and his beautiful green eyes.

she ran to the closest pay phone, quickly dialing his number. she didn't know why she traveled so far to see eric. she guessed it was just because she was impatient. it had been three months since he was fired from the lab. lynn missed him so much. but also a small part of her was relieved.


lynn tried to contain her excitement. "eric! it's me, your darling!"

there was a pause. "dorothy?"

lynn bit her lip. "yeah."

another long pause. "do you still love me, my gorgeous girl?"

lynn frowned, tapping her heels against the ground anxiously. "yes, but not in that way. i've got a girlfriend now, you see. but i wanted to check up on you and see how you've been."

"a girlfriend?"


" didn't wait for me? i was gone three months and you hook up with some bitch? you didn't wait for our plan? for us?" eric's angry voice yelled through the phone, making lynn wince.

"no, no. i'm actually in dc right now. i've come to see you. but you're still my friend, eric. just because i'm in a relationship doesn't mean that i don't love you anymore."

lynn could hear scuffling on the other side of the phone and low male voices. "you said you're in dc? where are you? i'll come get you."

lynn told him her location, a strange feeling bubbling in her stomach.

"stay there. i'm coming."

Amnesia ~reddie~Where stories live. Discover now