Past & Present (Epilogue)

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Warning: PG13 or PG15.


"So you don't mind?" Lisa switched the phone to her other hand so she could unlock the door.

"Of course not! She deserves a break – both of you do," said Irene. "Take as much time as you need."

"Thanks. I owe you one." Lisa pushed the door open.

Irene chuckled. "Don't mention it. Have fun."

"Will do. Bye." Lisa hung up.

She went inside, closed the door behind her and took her shoes off – steadying herself with one hand against the wall. Her eyes caught sight of the framed picture. She put her bag on the couch before walking up to it. She stood staring at it. Oppa, I know that I haven't exactly caught Yongbak but this is another milestone for sure. We're getting there, Oppa. I will keep my promise.

Lisa then looked at the other framed picture on the wall. She unconsciously smiled when she saw the smiling Jennie in it. She reached out and took it down – holding it in her hands. She looked at his picture and also took it down.

She took a deep breath. I'm gonna try something, Oppa. I will never replace you but... She switched the frames, hanging Jennie's gift where his picture was and placing his picture where Jennie's gift was. Maybe it's time I learn to put her first. She took a deep breath and a step back – observing what she had just done. I want this to last, Oppa. I love her. I don't want to lose her.

A door suddenly opened and Jennie walked out of the bathroom. "Oh. You're home?" She saw Lisa turning around.

Lisa nodded. "Come here for a second." She extended her hand to Jennie.

Jennie raised her eyebrows. She approached Lisa and took her hand. "What is it?"

"Notice anything different?" Lisa asked Jennie as she gestured at the wall.

Jennie looked at the wall. She was surprised when she saw the change. "Why did you switch them?"

Lisa took a deep breath. "I think you know why." She observed Jennie's face. "He'll always be special to me but he's my past. I can't keep focusing on my past, can I?"

Jennie's eyes met Lisa's. Are you saying...

"You're my present, Nini." Lisa squeezed Jennie's hand. "What had happened made me realize that I can't possibly bear losing you." She then chuckled. "And I have those scumbags Seungjin and Yongbak to thank for that. Ironic..." She shook her head.

Jennie said nothing – waiting for Lisa to continue and hoping that this meant what she thought it meant.

"I think it's time I learn to put you first, to learn to give you more, to love you as much as you love me." Lisa smiled. "I want to see how far we can go and how long this will last."

Jennie's heart was racing. She couldn't believe Lisa was saying all this.

Lisa let go of Jennie's hand. She went to the couch and opened her bag. She took out a piece of paper and gave it to Jennie.

Jennie read the paper and frowned. "Resort reservations? Bali?" She looked at Lisa with wide eyes.

"I think we deserve a break, don't you? I have some money saved up and plenty of vacation days too." Lisa smiled. "I haven't been on vacation in years and I've always wanted to go to Bali."

Jennie kept staring at the paper. She was at loss for words.

"I already talked to Jisoo and Irene. They're okay with it," Lisa continued. She observed Jennie's reaction. "So what do you say? Consider it an anniversary gift in advance or something to make up for everything I've put you through."

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