Welcome to the Team (Part 11)

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They heard Jisoo's voice in their ears.


"Let's go then."

Jisoo signaled to the team of men in black helmets and uniforms.

The men stealthily approached the building with Jisoo and her team behind them – guns aimed at the warehouse.

One of the men signaled with his hand.

A member of the SWAT team broke the door open and the rest poured in like ants.

Lisa followed them closely – keeping herself on full alert.

"Seoul Police!" Jisoo shouted.

Guns were fired at them and they spread out, hiding behind crates and barrels while returning fire.

Lisa heard a loud grunt and saw a SWAT officer taking down one of the bodyguards.

"We got one up here!" Lisa heard Jongin's voice through her comm device and looked up to see him handcuffing a man lying face down on the metal floor. Joonmyun was standing next to Jongin with his gun pointed at the man.

"Good. Stay alert!" Lisa ordered.

"I'm going in! Cover me!"

Lisa heard Jisoo's voice and looked across the large area to see the Captain coming out from behind the crates.

"Jisoo!" Lisa cursed then followed Jisoo while shooting at the thugs to give Jisoo cover. She was glad to see that there weren't too many of them left standing.

Jisoo put a bullet through the shoulder of one of the men, sending him screaming to the ground. She approached the table and pointed her gun at the man cowering under it. "Get up! Keep your hands where I can see them!"

The man raised his hands up and inched his way out from under the table.


Jisoo suddenly heard Lisa's voice. She ducked by reflex.

Lisa shot the man behind Jisoo twice before she aimed her gun to the one under the table. She inhaled sharply when she saw him wrestling Jisoo for her gun. She didn't have a clear shot at him.

Jisoo was surprised when the man suddenly leaped forward and tackled her right when she had just squatted down. He then tried to take her gun.

Jisoo turned her body so that her back was now slightly facing him. She elbowed him right in the face. He yelped in pain and took one hand off Jisoo's gun to hold his painfully bleeding nose. She used the opportunity to pull the gun free and turned her body swiftly. She put the gun to his head.

He froze.

"Try that again and I swear I won't even think twice to pull the trigger," Jisoo hissed.

"You okay?" Lisa asked.

The gunfire had ceased. There were no casualties from the law enforcement side so everyone was relieved.

"Yeah. Thanks, Lali."

"No problem." Lisa handed Jisoo a pair of handcuffs. She kept her gun aimed at the man with the bleeding nose.

Jisoo grabbed the man's hands and put them behind his back. She handcuffed him. "Ji Seungjin, you're under arrest for attempted murder and for running an illegal gambling business." She pushed him towards Chanyeol who took hold of him and ushered him out along with his men and the others they were taking into custody.

"Looks like we walked in on quite a party here." Lisa holstered her gun. She observed the table with poker chips and cards strewn all over it. "He really loves gambling, doesn't he?"

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