Maybe One Day (Part 7)

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Jongin entered the room with a folder in his hand. He gave it to Chaeyoung who opened it.

Chaeyoung checked the report and the pictures of the knife block and the knife in question. She then closed the folder again.

"Are you sure you don't want a lawyer, Miss Han?" Chaeyoung asked the woman sitting in front of her.

The young woman kept staring quietly at her table.

Chaeyoung looked at the mirror.

Lisa knew what the look meant. She took out her phone and dialed. "Hello? Yeri? Hi, it's Lisa."

"Hey, Lisa. What's up?" Yeri cheerfully answered.

"I need another favor. Are you still doing pro bono work?" Lisa asked.

"Of course. Got a potential client for me?"

"Yeah. Can you come down to the station now? This woman's being charged with the murder of an ex-colleague who happens to be a friend of her ex-boyfriend."

"That sounds complicated and not to mention strange. What's her motive?" Yeri asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out. Chaeyoung's interrogating her and she hadn't said a word. I don't think she can afford a lawyer with her secretary salary," Lisa explained.

"You don't think she's guilty?"

"Oh she's guilty for sure but I think she wasn't in her right mind when she did it. It seems so out of character," Lisa said. "I'm not even sure it was pre-meditated."

"I'm on my way. I happen to be in the area anyway."
"Thanks, Yeri."

"No problem. See ya in a bit."

Lisa hung up and tapped the mirror lightly.

Chaeyoung heard it. "Wait here then Miss Han. Your lawyer will be right with you." She tapped Jongin's shoulder and they both left the room.

Lisa used the opportunity to make another phone call. "Hey, where are you?"

"Home. Where else?" Jennie answered.

"Is Irene or Wendy there?"


"Call one of them over."

"I'm fine, Lisa-yah. The door's locked and there's nobody here," Jennie said.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you so stubborn?" Jennie was smiling to herself. "I'm okay, Lisa. Please don't worry. Just come home soon. You need to rest."

Lisa involuntarily smiled when she heard that. She fully realized that she had stopped coming home to an empty and quiet apartment since Jennie moved in but those words held another meaning to them after the past few days and she felt happy hearing them. "I'll be fine. I'm waiting for Yeri so we can start interrogating this Han GaChu. I'll go straight home after that."

"Have you eaten?"

"Stole Jongin's snacks so I'm good."

"Snacks for lunch?!" Jennie sighed. "It's like taking care of a baby. Seriously," she grumbled.

Lisa had to grin. "No one asked you to take care of me. I'm very capable of taking care of myself."

"Says the one who pissed off the person who cared so much for her by disobeying a direct order to rest." Jennie was referring to Jisoo.

Lisa raised her eyebrows. "Chu's fine. We argue all the time."

"I know. I have a sister, remember? But still, she meant well and all you did was disobeying everything she wanted you to do."

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