46: Can You Hear Me?

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"I remember you liked to kill your victims with knives. If you won't tell me why you did it, I guess I'll just start with the plan anyway." You shrugged, as if brushing off a discarded idea for lunch.

Sangwoo looked back up to the ceiling.

"I loved you. I still love you." He said quietly, feeling a sharp edge press against his neck. "All I ever wanted to do was show you that. In a way that you'd understand."

"Oh, I know, darling, I know!" You smiled and ran your hand down the side of his face. "And I love you too. I love you so much that I know there's no such thing as rehabilitation for a monster like you. Sometimes, at work, dogs do us a favor and die before we have to euthanize them. But this time, I guess you decided to be selfish. Don't worry, I'll do it for you."

And just like that, it was over.

Rubbing your nose, you opened your eyes only to find a fountain of blood draining next to you. Sangwoo's bruised face appeared above it, looking as blank as the first time you saw him in jail. It was funny how such a charismatic man could serve such bland faces.

"May you burn in hell," You stood up from the bedside to leave the scene before you. "With a sincere; Fuck You."

As you walked to front of the room, you took a match from your pocket, lit it and tossed it back. You had at least a minute until the big bang, you figured. The place would burn and more likely than not, demolition would be simply moved up.

You had hardly even heard it by the time you got to the door to the street. Standing there was a familiar, scrawny face.

"Did it... work?" Bum asked quietly.

"Too good. Let's just say that he got what he deserved."

You pointed to small fire peaking out of your window, that was hopefully burning away any evidence on Sangwoo's body, "I'll take you back to the facility, let's walk to my car."

With one last look, you both shook your heads and began to walk away.

You are absolutely right Dr. Park, he didn't need a reason to be evil. Some people just do bad things. Sometimes bad things just happen to people like me. There doesn't have to be a reason; certainly not a good one. We don't need to waste our time thinking of them and we certainly don't need to give him any excuses for what he did, you thought as you walked away. ...But I think he finally heard what I was trying to say.


And that's all folks (except the alternative ending)! The third book in my Sangwoo "series" is done and over with. I was so happy to take this in a different direction this time; especially since this is the first book I've written with ALL of the Killing Stalking chapters out. It might have taken a while and gone on hiatus for a few months, but this is a beaut. I hope everyone enjoys reading it and doesn't hate me too much for the ending <3

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