9: Still Sleepless

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"GO GO GO!" You heard screaming from upstairs as you huddled in the corner of the dark, dank basement.

Quivering in the corner, you didn't want to get your hopes up. There had been many times you thought you might get rescued, so many times that you thought you might get to see the upstairs even, that you couldn't afford to even hope anymore. One more heartbreak and you were afraid your heart might simply stop beating.

But then, the basement door burst open.

"AHH!" You woke up screaming again, panic consuming you. You reached out to the side, as if suddenly Dongyu would be there.

But it was empty. It was always empty.

But was that really your fear? That you would always be alone? Or was your actual fear that one day you would wake up and he would be next to you?

After all, he had only been sentenced to five years for kidnapping and assault. If they had been able to convict him for murder it would have only been twelve. You wished South Korea was more like the United States; handing out life sentences like gummy bears.

Instead, he was in a rather comfortable, not overcrowded, not understaffed, not under served facility. He had access to lots of classes and rehabilitation programs.

But that bastard couldn't be rehabilitated. He was born fucked up and you knew it. No one could just magically become that evil.

You pulled your knees to your chin. It was too late to take your sleeping pills and definitely too late to drink. Four in the morning was a stupid time to wake up. You had to get up at seven. Should you get up? Should you try and go back to sleep?

It's not fair that you get to stay in such a nice place while I live in a shithole apartment that I still can barely afford. Maybe I should have killed you.

That's not even a maybe. I definitely should have killed you, but that's hard to do when your whole body is broken. I know I just wrote you a few days ago, and before that, a few weeks, but besides my therapist, I don't have anyone else to talk to. I'd rather yell at you than suffer in silence. You forced me to suffer in silence all that time. And now you have to listen to how I'm feeling.

Well, technically you don't. You could be throwing all these letters away. But that doesn't matter to me. I get to write them and that's good enough for me. Like right now, I have three hours to kill and at least one of those hours will be eaten up by writing you this bitter letter.

Don't get me wrong; I hate you. I hate you so much. Fuck you so much. Without you, I wouldn't have to do any of this. You're evil. You've always been evil. You should never have been born. I wish your mother would have aborted you in her womb.

Fuck you, like always,


And with a deep breath, you actually felt a little sleepy.

Caught (Sangwoo x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora