25: The Doctor Swap

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"Hello, is there an Oh Sangwoo I can visit today?" Dr. Park stood authoritatively at the welcome desk.

The guard looked up, looked back at the computer and then looked back.

"Yes, come back this way, it will only be a minute." She noted while she pointed.

With a smile, Dr. Park nodded and walked down the long corridor. She was excited to meet this man, this criminal, that her client was fully becoming obsessed with. Was he that stunning?

As she sat and waited, many thoughts flew through her mind. So many, in fact, that she almost didn't note the tall, large yet gaunt, young man sitting in front of her.

"Oh!" She exclaimed as she looked up and quickly grabbed the telephone. "Hello, you are Oh Sangwoo?"

Suspiciously, Sangwoo picked up the phone.

"You are certainly not who I expected." His voice was flat. This was not enthusing to him whatsoever, but he wanted to see who on Earth this woman was and why she was interested in him. 

"I've come to ask you a few questions, I'm a psychiatrist." She confided. "I'm not here to treat you, just inquire for another."

"Another patient?" Sangwoo raised his eyebrow. "YN."

"Just another." She wouldn't give up your identity. "Now first, I was just curious, how are you feeling today?"

This is one strange ass woman. Sangwoo thought to himself.

"Uh, fine? So why are you here, really?" He spoke outloud.

"Are you being treated for anything right now?" She evaded his question with her own.

"Depression. Imagine why." His voice remained flat as she spoke. "Look, is YN okay? I know I don't have much of a right to ask, but I worry about her."

But the doctor wasn't one to be easily tricked.

"Did that start in here though? Or was it prevalent in your life prior to incarceration?" She pushed again, knowing that Sangwoo felt awfully suspicious. If she didn't get answers out of him soon, she would get no answers at all.

"Who knows? First time I've seen a doctor in years." Sangwoo told the half-truth. He was certainly depressed prior to incarceration. But this stranger didn't need to know that. "You're not an investigative reporter are you? I hope you know there's a gag order on the case."

"I'm not and yes, I know this."

So she must know YN. He figured. How else would she know about the gag order? It's the most logical choice.

"Have you talked to your victim since your arrest? Any attempted contact? Anything, even an apology, please let me know." She began to furiously scribble notes down that were shielded from his eyes.

This was the dilemma. Should he tell the truth and admit to seeing you? It wasn't against the law, but what if you wanted to keep it a secret? Or should he lie on the assumption that you were intending to keep such knowledge private?

If he told and you wanted it a secret, you might not come back. On the other hand, this woman might even know the right answer and he didn't feel like being called out right now. So he settled for a half-truth.

"There was one letter and one meeting. That's all." He answered shortly. "Now, if you excuse me, I'd like to go to lunch."

Caught (Sangwoo x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora