29: Probation Thoughts

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"I'll get back to you about that."

That had been your response to him asking if you were dropping the restraining order.

"Fuck this!" Sangwoo cursed and punched the wall, busting his knuckles open. "I thought we were better! I thought she was over it!"

But you weren't. In fact, you were particularly shaken by the question you had been asked. Drop the restraining order? When he got out, he'd be able to walk right up to you, no glass, no guards... It almost made you quiver in fear. It wasn't a pleasant thought one bit. Perhaps you were getting more comfortable, but not nearly in the way Sangwoo apparently thought you were.

As you sat on the therapist's couch, you were visibly nervous.

"Good afternoon, YN... Are you feeling anxious?" Immediately the tics were picked up by Dr. Park.

"No... well... a little." You began. Dr. Park didn't speak, silently pushing you to expand. And after a minute you would comply. "Sangwoo could get out in a few months. Even with a restraining order, he could still come see me."

"Does he know where you live?"



"Yes, I haven't changed employers."

"Do you have any friends at work?"

"...Kind of... One maybe..."

"I'm happy to hear that. Are they aware of your incident as you like to call it?"

"No. She was hired after."

"Alright. Well, my suggestion is that you ask her to be on the look out for him. Tell her what you want."

"Suggestion noted." and noted it was. It was a lot for you to think about. Tell Si-oon what happened to you? She was certainly nice enough to listen, but did you really want to bother her with it? She seemed like she would really internalize it. And you really didn't want her to pity you.

"Tell me about your friend. I'm very interested in this. It's your first new connection in a long time, am I correct?" Dr. Park asked.

"Yeah... She's a receptionist at work. Extra cheerful. Very... vivacious." You explained as you laid back on the couch, a bit more relaxed.

"Do you like that about her?"

"Who wouldn't like that? No one likes negative people."

"Except this girl."


"You are being treated for depression, a big hallmark of such a diagnosis is negative outlook. If she has only known you since that diagnosis, you would certainly seem negative to her."

"She said I was... nice to animals, down-to-Earth and uh, not mean."

"Ah, no wonder she's able to crack your shell." Dr. Park smiled genuinely. "An eternal optimist. Only sees the good in people. Do you think you'll be able to stand it?"

"That, I don't know about. It's kind of annoying, but also, I kind of like it. Everyone is usually more negative. It's a fresh take."

"That's a good outlook. Invite her out to coffee. Or whatever. You should really pursue this."

"It sounds like you want me to date her," you chuckled.

"Whatever you like, but do try and make at least one friend. Life isn't meant to be lived alone. Humans are social creatures. Take that away and we start to crave attention-- negative or positive. That, or we fracture our personalities in order to make our own friends."

"Sounds rough."

"It is, but what's worse is when someone thinks that a person who certainly isn't a friend is all they deserve to have. They cling onto them, despite being hurt over and over by them. A real friend can draw that person away from the pain."

"Are you implying something?" You raised an eyebrow.

"No, not at all. Just babbling."

Caught (Sangwoo x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt