5: Talk Therapy

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 "It wasn't even that he told me he loved me at the end that rattled me the most, I think." You spoke to Dr. Park as you sat in her office. "He was already so... unraveled... that really he could have loved me. But it was just the timing. Why would he only tell me then? Like if he really kidnapped me because he loved me; which is FUCKED still, then why wouldn't he confess his feelings right away?"

"Did you try writing out the letter, like I suggested?" She asked, not looking up from her pad.

"Yeah, I sent it too. No return address of course. I'm not dumb." You mentioned quietly.

The therapist sighed.

"Now, I didn't say to send it. I don't know if you were quite at that kind of step... but I suppose as long as he has no way to contact you... then no harm, no foul. You have moved apartments, correct?" She inquired.

"Yeah, I lived with Dongyu before the whole incident. So naturally, when he left me, I had to find my own place." You admitted. "I went for a shithole apartment in a shithole part of town."

"Why is that?"

"All I could afford..." With a sigh, you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. "Plus, no basement and free parking for my car."

"That makes sense for you. And once you've saved up enough, you can move somewhere you like a little more. Think of it as a treat. You certainly deserve it." Dr. Park smiled at you and touched your clenched hands reassuringly.

"Yeah..." Your eyes slid to the side. "You know, I'm not even scared of basements, I'm just... I don't want to be trapped anywhere."

"That's understandable."

"And what if his creepy boyfriend finds me? They didn't arrest him, they said he was kidnapped too... but he was living upstairs. He came and left the house... It didn't seem like he was kidnapped at all."

"That's why you have the restraining order. Stick to it."

"I know, I know. It just didn't seem fair. If anyone, Sangwoo just seemed to love that guy, not me. So why did he--"

"Stop right there. I think we've had enough of the 'why' today. I want you to remember that he didn't need a reason to be evil. Some people just do bad things. Sometimes bad things just happen to people like you. There doesn't have to be a reason; certainly not a good one. We don't need to waste our time thinking of them and we certainly don't need to give him any excuses for what he did."

You nodded. But... it just didn't feel right.

I mean... Sangwoo looked so... Unhinged when I saw him. His feet were wrapped up and bloody. His hair was a complete mess. He was completely out of character. I don't understand what happened or why I got rescued. But I'm happy I was. Anything to get away from that monster. Who knows what he would have done to me...

"Well, speaking of which, I actually don't remember seeing that guy on that day. And I haven't since... So I guess... I don't have that much to worry about."

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