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America ran through her capital's streets, multiple SWAT and military units chasing in pursuit. She could hear a helicopter above, everything trained on her. She kept her head down, determined to let no one see her face. If she concentrated hard enough, she could hear the talk of news reporters giving a live update on her attempt to get away.

It'll probably be fine, since she was much faster than a normal human, barely a blur in their eyes. Amelia ran across an apartment building's walls, gazing down on the scene before her on the safety of the roof.

Helicopters full of reporting crews trained their focus on her. She could hear their individual voices as they glanced back at her. She made eye contact with one of them, her starry eyes reflecting the images of stars exploding in fiery supernovas, her pupils like a black hole sucking the nebula into its infinite depths.

The reporter stopped and stared, transfixed. The superpower smiled at him, uttering a horrible command.


Amelia smiled as she sensed her order fill his mind. One of his co-workers shook his shoulder with a confused expression. He grabbed her in an iron-clad grip, throwing her off the flying vehicle.

The crew panicked, trying to hold down the attacker. He grabbed a microphone and began smashing the cameras and equipment, throwing everyone out of the way. Other reporting crews trained their cameras on the sudden commotion. The reporter, under America's order, ran to the cockpit, grabbing the wheel. He threw the pilot off, taking his seat. He redirected the helicopter toward the troops chasing the country, making a straight dive at dangerously high speeds.

The group stopped at the sight, scattering in different directions to avoid the inevitable crash. Amelia took this chance to run while she still could without being recorded. She scanned the area, making sure no one was looking her way. She dropped down from the ten-story building from the opposite side, landing perfectly on her feet.

America ducked in an alley, hidden in darkness away from prying eyes. She'll have to wait it out. The superpower gazed at the alley's cracked walls, running her fingers along the bumps. They were thin, no human could ever climb it. But she wasn't human, now was she?

* * * * * * *

Canada took a bit out of her pancakes, watching her younger twin's getaway. The woods she lives in were dead silent, almost holding its breath. Maddie watched as her sister manipulated that innocent reporter as a distraction, and the shock the others experienced when they connected the dots.

Maddie sighed, part of her wishing that Lily wasn't so violent while the other wished for her safety. As the only country that was truly free, the Canadian can only hope that no misfortune befalls her twin sister.

The TV glitched, the audio still running normaly while the screen stayed the same. Maddie silently cursed herself for living in a place that barely has wi-fi. But hey, there were no people, so that's a plus.

She grabbed the remote, changing the channel from Lily's search to hers.

A news-lady and her partner sat behind a desk, papers in their hands. "And here we have Michael Fletcher, who is searching for Canada from the air. Michael, take it from here."

The screen filled with a live video from Michael. He had messy brown hair, and looked to be in his mid-thirties.

"So you see, we're flying to Quebec on this helicopter because we don't know where Canada's personification is," The pilot said while motioning to a forest below him. "They could be anywhere. In the woods, a cave, the capital; anywhere where someone could live in hiding."

The pilot's walkie-talkie buzzed. "To any pilot and soldier on the search for Canada, we got reports from the American troops that personifications can manipulate their people into doing their bidding, no matter how absurd the request is. Proceed with caution." The walkie-talkie clicked off.

The video zoomed out, showing the news-lady and her partner. "It seems the situation has become more complicated," The lady said.

"Yeah," Michael replied. "Hopefully they're more merciful than America, for whatever they--is that a house down there?"

Maddie's eyes widened. She ran to the door, slamming it open. She looked up towards the sky, horrified when she saw Michael's helicopter. It was almost directly above her house by now, Michael poking his head out the window to see her clearly.

He spotted her crown. It was silver, with maple leaf-shaped points sticking out with bright red rubies engraved in each leaf. It was smaller and less grand than Lily's, but it was a crown, and that's all the proof anyone needs.

"There she is!" Maddie heard him say. "It really is her!" She heard the click of the walkie-talkie. "This is Pilot 57 reporting. I have successfuly found Canada. The coordinates are--"

Something dented the roof of the machine, startling Michael and the reporters. Hands tore away the door, showing a smiling America clinging to the helicopter's side. She looked the same as ever. She was wearing a black NASA hoodie, jeans, and black and white tennis shoes.

"l'm sorry," She said in a mocking tone. "But you're a little too close to my sister. Let me help you." She stepped inside, throwing Michael (and the seat) off his place. The superpower too control of the wheel, humming a cheerful tune as though she was taking a stroll in a park and not hijacking a helicopter.

Michael and the reporter on the plane with him scrambled to the back, as far from Amelia as they can.

"Why so scared? Worried that I'll kill you aswell?" The blonde asked, as cheerfully as her humming. She laughed. "Don't worry. I won't do anything that'll put you in too much harm. My sister will be pissed if I do."

No one said a word the rest of the time. America landed them somewhere near a small town. She walked over to the pair, dragging them out of their place, ignoring their screams of absolute terror.

"That place over there should be able to help you. And if not, oh well! You'll have to figure that out by yourselves!" Amelia said happily, not taking the situation seriously.

She pointed at them, as if she were a mother scolding her children. "Now, don't do that again, 'Kay? I might not take Canada's feelings into consideration if you do." The reporter was still recording, albeit her hands shaking so bad America doubted she can get a good shot.

Her phone rang, Maddie's name appearing on the screen. Amelia answered.

"Are you crazy?!"

"What? Did you want your house be discovered?"

"One does not simply do that, Lily!"

"Oh c'mon, Maddie. You've seen me do far worse than hijack something. You're not innocent either, y'know."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

A sigh. "Just please don't do that again."

"I'll try, but don't be disappointed when I do."

The call ended. Canada slid down on one of the wooden walls, wishing that she wasn't a country.  Maddie buried her face in her hands, and sobbed.

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