Cheater Cheater

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Young Mi's Point Of View

I woke up the next day with a smile on my face. A lot had happened from what I heard, Jae-Yi confessed to Ji-Na and she did too, but they want to take slow and get to know each other. Don't get me wrong they are dating now, but they want to hold back on the PDA.

Ji-Na and I spent the day inside reviewing our school notes since tomorrow there's school again. We sat on the couch and as I listened to music she began to talk to herself. 

Sighing I took of my earphones and put my phone on the coffee table before standing up and stretching. My shirt rose as the door opened, I looked over and froze as I saw my mom entering with my boyfriend and Ji-Na's. 

Mom smiled and brought them inside. "I met them in the hall. They said they were going to buy food. So I told them to just come over and eat with us. That's okay, right?"

Sa-Na walked out of our room smiling, "Of course. Welcome oppa." I rolled my eyes at her and smiled knowing I didn't have to worry then went to help mom make the food while Ji-Na and Jae-Yi helped set up the table.

After finishing up the food mom and I began to take the dishes to the table. Ro-bin came to me and took the plates from my hand sending me a smile. I grinned and went to get the last of the side dishes. We sat at the coffee table. I was on one end with Ro-bin on my left and Sa-Na on my left. Jae-Yi sat beside his brother and with my mom on his left. My sister, Ji-Na sat next Sa-Na and across her boyfriend.

"Alright, where's your aunt?" Mom said looking as Sa-Na since they spend more time together.

Sa-Na pouted, "She said she's not going to eat yet. She's still crying."

"All because of that wretched con artist." Mom sighed shaking her head. "Never mind. Let's just eat and enjoy the meal." We started eating and it was quiet for a bit before mom sighed again and turned to Jae'Yi. "It's summer vacation and Jae-Yi still goes over to the library. But this girl... School starts soon and this girl is still playing around like this." She says pointing at Ji-Na making her avoid her glare causing me to laugh.

Ji-Na frowned and glanced at her boyfriend before turning to mom, "Stop, you're embarrassing me."

"So you are embarrassed at yourself, huh?" Mom glared, then looked at Jae-Yi. "Thanks to you though, her grades went up a little."

"I can study this time with her too. If she's okay with it." Jae-Yi smiled.

I let out a chuckle, "Of course she's okay with it. In fact I think she loves the idea." I send him a smile. He coughed and avoided my stare, probably afraid I would hurt him.

Dinner went on making conversation left and right. Ro-bin stepped out of his shell and talked more than usual. At one moment he slipped up and called me babe. Mom stared at us for a second then let out a nervous laugh. She seemed skeptical at first then became fine with it. When they headed out I walked them out Ji-Na hugged her boyfriend and headed to our room. Ro-bin and I stayed in the hall holding hands. Then I kissed him on the lips quickly, he hugged me and went to his apartment blushing.

Morning came and I woke up feeling my best self. I felt empowered and beautiful, I got ready for the day putting on my uniform for school.

Ro-bin and I walked to school hand in hand. There was a smile on my face that no one could wipe off. We walked in to our classroom and saw our friends in a circle.

My boyfriend sat down and I ran to Rok-Hee and jumped on her back. "Hey you." She laughed and hugged me. Over the phone last night I told her about what happened between Ro-bin and I, she kept teasing me throughout the call. Honestly, I don't mind since it makes me feel happy, I'm never made fun of for anything do to people being scared of me.

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