I'm Not Shy!

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I woke up and dressed in a hurry. School started 20 minutes ago. "Shit, I'm late!" I yelled running out of the house.

Today our first class was in the gym so I dressed quickly and ran into the gym. My class mates were getting in two lines; one for boys and the other for girls. I ran to my sister, "Ji-Na why didn't you wake me up?" I whispered smacking her arm. She flinched and rubbed the spot I hit. 

"The person next to you will be your partner, "Mr. Choi said. I looked to my side and saw Ro-bin, I sent him a smile, which he returned. "Go ahead and face each other. Here are the moves." The teacher began to count the steps. I stared and saw it was a quick combination. 

Ms. Jung looked at us, "You have to be holding hands." I looked at Ro-bin and he took a step towards me. He put out his hands and I took them, mine above his.

Mr. Choi said not to be shy and I smiled, 'I'm not shy at all.' Ro-bin and I started to dance slowly. We went well together, even when the class ended we continued to hold hands.

We walked to class and parted to change back into our uniforms. It was the end of the school day and Ms. Maeng walked into class. "Before summer break, you need to turn in your list of extracurricular activities. But there was someone who didn't sign up for any yet. Ro-bin since you transferred here in the middle of the semester I'll give you more time. Make sure to join one and turn in your list." He nodded and sat up straight. "Okay then, enjoy the rest of your day, guys."

The day went fast and I headed home. I changed my clothes to a comfortable outfit. My feet started to hurt after an hour of practicing the dance. I had gone to the rooftop and practice till nightfall. As I tried to do a pirouette I tripped over my own feet and fell.

I heard a laugh causing me to turn, Ro-bin stood there, "Don't laugh and help me, "I pouted and lifted my arms. He walked to me and picked me up smiling. Ro-bin sat me down on the bench and put the instrumental of the song we will be dancing. Ro-bin took of his flannel and handed it to then began to dance. I watched amazed. "Wow, you're good at everything except for studying."

He scoffed chuckling, "It's not that I don't know how, I just choose not to. Stand up, it'll probably be easier to do the turn if we do it together." He took my hand and we started from the beginning. When we got to the twirl I stumbled over my own feet causing us both to fall back.

I ended up falling on him as the bed sheets fell over us. Sighing I slowly got up stopping when he winced. "Ro-bin are you okay? I'm so sorry, I'm really heavy too," I said slowly getting up. He sat up and stared at me as I checked if he was seriously hurt. 

"It happened again, "He sighed. "When we met up here, and you thought I was a thief."

"Sorry to get you caught in the laundry again, but to be fair it was Ji-Na who thought you were a thief. I just got caught up in the moment."I said smiling. 

He gave me the flannel and told me to wear it, but said he had to go to work. I nodded and kissed his cheek before he left. Beginning to feel tired I headed home and washed up before going to sleep.

The next morning I actually got up early and went to school taking my time. Ji-Na yawned as we walked together, she was a bit grumpy that I woke her up because I didn't want to walk alone.

We walked into class and went to hang out with our girlfriends. I waved at Ro-bin and he sent me a smile.

"Have any of you seen Mi-Nam? I heard he ran from home." Bo-Ra said worried.

Mi-Nam's best friends shook their heads, "No, but he has been acting weird. First, he was smiling at his phone creepy."

Rok-Hee laughed and pointed at me, "So? Young Mi does it all the time," I glared at her and smacked her shoulder, making everyone laugh.

Accidental Meeting Kim SamuelWhere stories live. Discover now