Piss Yourself!

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Young Mi's Point Of View

Bo-Ra, Mi-Nam and Shin-Ae had gone home and dad picked us all up the next day. Since we all didn't fit in the car, I had to sit on someones lap. My dad told me to sit on Jae-Yi's lap, but as soon as he said that Ji-Na and Ro-bin yelled no.

Dad laughed and said that I should hurry and sit on Ro-bin then. With no other choice I did as told and ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up Ro-bin was shaking me awake. I couldn't fully wake up and ended up almost falling down the stairs. Someone carried me to my room and kissed my forehead. The next day when I woke up I felt great, Ji-Na said she had applied to a job and left early. Since aunty had something to do today she said she wanted me to take care of the cafe today. I nodded and got ready, though the day went by quick and uneventful. 

Night had come and Ji-Na rushed into the room when Sa-Na had fallen asleep. She shook my arm until I finally gave her my attention, "Young Mi, I think Sun-Hee's boyfriend is cheating on he. Today at the wedding hall I saw a man that looked just like aunt's boyfriend with another woman."

I sighed and rolled my head back, "Gosh, I knew everything was happening so fast." I frowned and told her to rest, since she has work tomorrow. "When you go to work ask the receptionist if they have his name on the list." She nodded and went to bed.

We woke up around the same time and she went to the wedding hall while I went to the cafe. When I got there I put on my personalized apron and began to clean up tabled and the counter, while making myself a milkshake. 

Three hours in and my aunt came in with two of her friends and a man. I took their orders and gave them the drinks. After what Ji-Na told me I wanted nothing to do with that man. I minded my own business and when he tried to buy me with his charming smiles and money, I took the money and thank him before going back to my position behind the register. 

Ro-bin came in and smiled at me, making my mood completely change. "Hey are you here as a costumer or helper?" I asked propping my arms on the counter.

"I'm here to help, your aunt called me and asked for a hand." He said, coming around the island and putting on his apron.

Ji-Na walked in waving at us, she placed a bag and said it was food for later. I grabbed it and thank her. Aunty called her over and she walked slowly. Ro-bin watched as she, in a sort of bitchy way, declined the money Sun-Hee's boyfriend was giving her left the cafe in a hurry.

"What's wrong with her?" Ro-bin asked, staring at me. 

As I sat on the counter waiting for more orders I sighed and frowned, "Ji-Na started working at a wedding hall and yesterday she told me something about my aunt's boyfriend. She said she saw him with another women there, saying they would get married soon. Ji-Na is always right about things like this, but I also had a bad feeling about him from the beginning. He's been taking things too fast, they've only been dating for a few weeks and already propose?" I scoffed and glanced at the guy sitting beside my aunt and let out a noise of disgust.

Ro-bin nodded leaned on the counter beside me, "Young Mi what did you get on the Secret Santa?" 

I turned to him eyes widened, "Um, we aren't supposed to say them out loud, to anyone."

"If you tell me I'll tell you what I got." He smiled, making me sigh.

I nodded and leaned close to his face, "Someone said they liked me." I pulled back and saw his face morphed into shock. "What did you get?"

He sighed and took out the piece of paper and handed it to me. 'I like Jae-Yi'. "Oh I think I know who wrote this I can't tell you but it wasn't me." I smiled. He let out a breath of relief making my smile widen. "What, were you scared? It's not like you like me though." I said laughing, then stopped when he didn't laugh. "You don't like me, do you?"the 

Accidental Meeting Kim SamuelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora