chapter 2 rewrite

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writing is hard anyways enjoy this chapter. 

previously on im a girl?!

And that's when I knew I was going to die 'goodbye mom I love you, goodbye todoroki I have a crush on you, kitchen you have always been a little bitch, goodbye world' I thought " care to tell me where the HELL you have been?" Aizawa practically screamed. 'Yep I'm going to die' 


as i took my last breath and looked at my beloved crush for the last time. i sealed my fate by looking up at the wonderful Aizawa- sensei and yep I'm fucked Aizawa in all his glory has his quirk activated and his hero weapon floating around his neck in a very treating way "MIDORIYA I asked you one simple question, care to share to the class and me where you have been for half of my class period?" fuckkkkk how is this man so scary.

 I gulped hard knowing if I said the wrong thing i will be fucked and so coughed trying to clear my throat so I can hopefully talk without stuttering too much   " well you see i was um well this morning there well i was walking to school because umm taking the bus gives me unwanted attention and some being me i took a wrong turn then I heard this scream so i ran towards it (Aizawa deactivated his quirk and sighed deeply in disappointment the class could practically see the headache he was going to get) when I did I saw three girls and a villain. so i Ummm i kinda fought the villain and ended up getting blasted by his quirk, beat him, saved the girls, brought them to the school, jumped over the school wall, ran through the halls and disappointed  recovery girl (at this point Aizawa wanted to reach down under his podium open his minibar nezu made for him and drink till he passes out and damn midoriya is still talking wow............... wait........... did his problem child just say he got HIT BY A QUIRK)  so I'm sorry i was late" i said trying to sum everything up    

Aizawa just stares at me and sighs deeply once again. he put his head in his hand and starts to rub his temples "midoriya did you just say you fought a villain and got hit by his quirk? and managed to disappoint recovery girl for the THIRD time this week and worse it's not even Wednesday yet" the way he put it makes it sound like i did something bad "yes but i did save 3 girls from harm so that's something right?" i said trying to make this man less mad "midoriya, that is not the point " he hissed out 'sometimes i think he is a cat' i chuckled at the thought then remembered the situation I'm in  "problem child you think this is funny, do you? well, why don't we go see how funny this is down in nezu's office shall we? Yaoyorozu, Iida you're both in charge till i get back, keep this damned class in check " just as he said this I am suddenly rapped in his hero weapon and i am dragged out of the room and dragged all the way down to nezu's office 

                *in nezu's office*

There is a thick silence in his office as they all stare at me, I can practically feel Aizawa's glare at the back of my head as he sits behind me in his comfy cat designed chair that nezu had personally made for him for exactly a situation like this. The silence was abruptly broken by nezu saying "shota and small midoriya do either of you want some tea?" Behind me I heard the sigh™ and a loud " nezu we have been over this, I won't drink your damn tea, how many times do I have to tell you this??" All nezu did was clap his paws?? Together it made a loud pat sound he had this glint in his eyes that scared the living shit out of me, he looked at me directly and that shit sends shivers up and down my spine then the rat-bear-dog-cat-thingy spoke: "well how about you midoriya, do YOU want some tea??" I'm worried if I say the wrong thing with that tea shit if it even is tea, what if it can't tea and it actually brains poison or something but what if it is tea what will I do then, would I like the flavor, I personally don't like chamomile tea but I really enjoy peppermint. But again what if my first theory is correct and it is actually poison and it cou-" my thoughts were rudely interrupted by a loud annoying ass screech "dORiYA MIDORIYA!!! STOP FUCKING MUMBLING!! I am D O N E with your shit I'm taking a nap. Nezu deal with him" he said as he pulled his sleeping bag out of god knows where and just collapsed on the floor in a death-like sleep. I looked back up at nezu drinking another cup of tea and gave me a stare that looked right into my soul then said "let's get this meeting started!  Shall we?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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