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4 weeks ago I got kicked out of my safe haven and was forced to live with my mom. She is verbally abusive and she hates me. And then my step-dad he is both verbally and physically abusive. My mental issues all have gotten worse. I self harm a lot more and I even tried to kill myself. Self harm and my phone are some of the very few thing keeping me alive and I  got my phone taken away and my the few friends I have are leaving me because I am always depressed and not how I used to be. And school is shit. Teachers are rude and don't listen when I tell them that I am being bullied. They say I'm fine and it will get better. Now the only good thing in my life is all the support you all give to me, the reunion of MCR and my select few friends.

So please wait. I will update when things get better. I am truly sorry that you all have to wait so long because of me. I am sorry and until then. I love you all and again in sorry

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