
Start from the beginning

"It's all my f-fault. I-I caused th-this."

"No you didn't, Kehlani. Nobody knew this was going to happen. All we can do for now is pray that Jahseh and Janice will be okay."

"W-what if h-he d-doesn't? I-I never even got to- to t-tell him h-how I f-feel. W-we—"

"It's alright, Kehlani. Just breathe. Jahseh knows deep down inside how much you care for him. You've gotta stop blaming yourself, none of this was your fault. Don't carry that kind of weight on your shoulders when you've already got so much going on."

Kehlani knew that Sky was right, but she couldn't help but feel as if everything would have turned out differently had she done things alternately, or if she hadn't done anything at all. Although deep down, she knew that it wouldn't have mattered whether she didn't do anything or if she did, because that's how much of a monster Richard was.

Letting out a shaky deep breath, Kehlani spoke again: "M-my psychosis is g-getting w-worse, Sky."

"That's because it happens when something awful or even traumatic begins to happen around you as you can't control it. That's going to happen a lot in this life, but you have people who are here for you, and now Richard is gone, which is takes a weight off your shoulders. Only thing is now," Sky sighs.

"he's left behind an unforgiving mess."


The sound of nothing but heart monitors, labored breathing, and defibrillators was all that Cleo could hear as she sat between the beds of her son and her baby sister. Tears streamed down her face endlessly as her thoughts consumed her head. The entire evening replayed in her mind over and over in an infinite loop, as she sat in utter disbelief. She looked over at her son and her heart felt as if it had sunk into her body.

His eyes were closed as his lips were slightly parted open. The breathing tube in his nose made his mother feel remorse and guilt, as she  felt like she failed to protect him as his mother. She then looked over at Janice, who looked as if she were just sleeping; her skin was paler than its normal caramel tone, dark circles had formed around her eyes, and her body remained still as her torso rose and fell with each breath she took. Shaky breaths emitted from Cleo as she tried her best to not let her emotions get the best of her, but she knew she couldn't hold herself together for much longer.

"Jahseh," Cleo spoke with a broken voice, as she looked back at her son. "son, I am so sorry. Mommy couldn't save you, and Lord knows how bad it pains my heart to see y-you like this. I feel like a terrible mother, a-and that I have failed you." Tears began to fall faster and harder from her eyes as her emotions finally took over her, and she began to sob. "I-I should've kept you closer to me. W-we wouldn't be where w-we are n-now. I-I should've kept you around so A-Aiden could see how much of an amazing big brother you are for himself, and just n-not through my word. But baby, please know that w-we love you, and we need you to come back to us. P-please, son. I-I can't lose y-you."

She continuously wept as she laid her head on his lukewarm arm, grabbing his hand and silently saying a prayer in her head.

  Meanwhile, Richard and Geneva were back at her apartment she once shared with Jahseh, grabbing everything valuable to her. They were in an urgent hurry as they prepared to leave town before anybody could reach them. Geneva hurriedly stuffs clothes and her toiletries into her suitcase as Richard helps her.

"Come on, miel. We need to leave now." Richard breathes out as he finishes stuffing her luggage. As Geneva tries to close her suitcase, the pair heard a thumping sound come from the front door, causing them to freeze in their actions. Richard takes out his gun and cocks it back as he begins to move slowly towards her bedroom door. "Don't make a sound." He whispers to Geneva. He walks in stealth mode to the front door, and peeks in the peephole as he clutches onto his gun tightly. The world fell still as he stared into the peephole, but saw nothing but pitch blackness. As he unlocks the door cautiously, he suddenly stops as he hears the same sound again. Turning his head to look at Geneva, they stared at each other in fear.

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