The Devil's Waltz (I)

Start from the beginning

"Yes. It's wonderful actually, I just never thought they actually came."

"Nobody will ever say no to a party Mina darling" Lucy says "Especially where your character will be judged by most of upper society."

"Miss Westenra makes a valid point." we hear Alexander say from below us.

My heart skips a beat when I see him, especially after the dream I had today.

"It's all rather overwhelming, Mr. Grayson. Are you sure it's not too much of an imposition?" I check again

"Not at all." he says looking around "This is just an empty stage upon which Miss Westenra has lavished her formidable magic." he praises

"At least somebody appreciates all my hard work" Lucy jokes giving me the flower in her hand, I laugh at her and I was going to reply when I hear Jonathan arrive.

"Alexander! You won't believe what..." he starts saying but then he notices us there "Mina."

I do my best not to react to his presence. Lucy already knew what had happen between us and she was giving him the evil eye from above.

"Could we have a word privately, please?" he asks Alexander

"Ladies, if you will excuse us." Alexander says politely

We smile in acknowledgement and watch them enter the office. The dream from this morning came to my mind again and I just knew that I had to talk to someone about this before I go insane.

"Lucy, you'll probably think me a spoiled child..." I say grabbing her hand.

"Impossible." she guarantees me "What's wrong?" she asks when she sees I am being serious.

"I had the most perplexing dream." I tell her trying not to make it sound what it was but Lucy wasn't fulled.

"Really?" she asks astonished and amused "That kind of dream?" she asks all giddy. 

"No. Not that kind of dream." I deny feeling embarrassed from bringing it up in the first place.

"Tell me..."she says wrapping her arm around me "...was the dream version of your imaginary lover more circumspect, or was it merely a matter of circumference?" she teases smiling devilishly.

"Lucy!" I call out to her laughing, feeling even more embarrassed than before. 

"There is no reason to be embarrassed Mina darling, all women have them." she assures me "But what I really am curious about is who the lover was, tell me...was it Jonathan?"

"No." I deny "It wasn't Jonathan, but you are not getting anything else out of me."

"That's alright" she says with an amused smile starting to walk away "I think I already know who the man is anyway." she says making her way down the stairs "Oh Mr. Grayson!" she calls out to him

"Lucy!" I call her back feeling like my cheeks were on fire. I laugh feeling silly with the entire situation.

I spend the next minutes going over the guest list with Lucy by my side  helping me, we are startled by Jonathan who decided to approach us.

"Mina. Lucy." he says in welcome

"Hello Jonathan. How do you do?" I respond politely

"I am well, thank you." he says seeming a little restless "Mina...can we...can we talk? Privately, please?"

"I believe you've already said enough." Lucy says harshly knowing exactly how much his words had hurt me.

"Stay out of this Lucy" he snaps

"No." I interrupt "Lucy's right. We've talked already, and I don't have anything else to say to you."

"Mina please..."

"We still have a lot of work to do before the party tonight Jonathan, so if that will be all..." I dismiss him knowing I was being a little rude.

"Yes...of course. Until tonight then." he says finally leaving us alone.

I exhale in relief when he finally leaves.

"Are you alright?" Lucy asks squeezing my hand

"Yes, I just...I had hoped that we could still be friends, but..."

"Darling, the pain of his betrayal is still fresh, give it some time for feelings to settle down, then you can see if you still want him in your life." Lucy advises.

"Yes, you're right." I thank her but after a while I could tell I wasn't being very productive, as I kept getting distracted with the thoughts on my mind, so I asked Lucy if she would let me go home earlier to rest a while before the party, to which she was friendly enough not to mind.

Once home, I notice someone had put my dress on a mannequin in my room. It was already pressed and ready to be worn. I touch the fabric with my hand feeling the softness of it in my fingers. It was a beautiful dress, Lucy had help me pick it out. Feeling mentally drained from the events of the last weeks I sit on the ground at the feet of my bed and just think about how my life changed since Alexander Grayson came into my life.

After a while I hear a knock at my door.

"I thought you'd be at Carfax with Lucy." my father says entering the room

"I was, but I thought I'd come home and rest a while." I tell him. I hear him move and seat on the bed so he could look at me.

"Your mother would be so proud of you." he says unexpectedly

"Hmm." I smile and taking his hand in mind.

"What's on your mind?" he asks noticing that there was someone clearly troubling me.

"Did you knew right away you wanted to marry Mother?" I ask him clearly taking him by surprise.

"Is this about Jonathan?"

"No." I deny "It 's just...well, did you?"

"Maybe not right away, but then..."

"Then what?"

"I was a student at the time. I was very focused on finishing my studies to became a physician, and I spent most of my time either with my head in books or in the lab practicing." he tells me lost in his memories "Never once your mother blamed me for not spending much time with her, and she was always the first to support me when I needed it. I loved her for that. At the time I would see my colleagues with their wives and fiancés and they were always bickering about how little time they spent together, and after a while I could see them focusing less and less in class and staying behind in classes."

"But you didn't."

"But I didn't." he says "Your mother helped me get trough university and she made sure I always had something to eat when I was too focused studying to notice the time pass. I married her right after I got my diploma."

"She was perfect for you."

"Maybe not perfect, but she was the one person who knew me better than anybody else. She inspired me to be a better person, and I pray that someday you will meet a man who will inspire you to be better. Who will support you and your dreams, and most of all will love you. All of you. Because you deserve to have the kind of love that reaches the stars, my love." he says kissing my hand lovingly "Now come on, we must get ready for the party you worked so hard to put together."

I chuckle emotional, and I let my father pull me up. He kisses my forehead lovingly and leaves the room closing the door quietly behind him.

I take a deep breath and turn to the dress laid out for me.

"Okay....let's do this."

End of chapter! The party will take place in the next chapter.

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