We spotted his car on down on the other side
of the road, but he wasn't in it. My eyes scanned the area to find him sitting on a bench.

" Fuck is he doing? " Nick asked.

" Is that fucking Jason? " Tyler asked.

I looked a little harder and couldn't believe my eyes. " Nigga fucking with the other side. " I laughed.

They both talked then shook hands like he handed him something. They parted ways and Daryl got in his car and pulled off.

" Well how do we kill our new friend brother? " Tyler asked.

" Nigga she must only be your friend? " Nick said looking him up and down. I laughed.

" Right. " I agreed.

" Excuse me then. " Tyler said sitting back.

Now I have to do some off another nigga. I don't know why they think fucking with me is all good.

 I don't know why they think fucking with me is all good

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A'Zharia || Zee

" What happenedddd? " Zoie stretched sitting
my plate in front of me.

" We only kissed. " I said picking at the eggs on my plate trying to hide my smile.

" ONLY? Thought he would've ate up or something. " Zoie said sitting across from me at the table.

My mouth flew open. Zoie fell out laughing. " I got high too. "

" You know you can't smoke with everybody. Ain't no telling what they put it in they shit. " Zoie fussed.

" I know I know. " I said stuffing my mouth with pancakes.

" Tia left this morning. Her mama called me talking all loud at seven like damnnnnn. " Zoie said looking like he was getting mad all over again.

" She acts as if we aren't 18. " I told him.

" You ain't lying. "

My phone went off with an Instagram notification. I wiped my hands off and unlocked my phone.

nick2x_bih: friend can i chill with you today.

me: suree....

" Nick want to come over here. " I told Zoie.

" That boy mouthh. " Zoie rolled his eyes.

" Everybody know his mouth smart as hell. " I laughed finishing up my food.

" Yeah they can come though. I wanna see Tyler fine self. "

Once I finisher my food I went upstairs to get my charger. I didn't even notice I was still in my sports bra and compression shorts.

I felt too comfortable to change though. I decided to change my shorts to biker shorts. It was hot as hell upstairs for some reason.

As I was changing my shorts my phone started ringing.

" Tiaaaa👯‍♀️🤍 would like to FaceTime... "

I answered it and propped it up on my dresser.

" Um Zee? " Tia answered in w worried manner.

" What's wrong? " I asked looking to see her looking frantically at me.

" I think .. I-I think Daryl plotting to kill Toosii. " She told me. I don't know why my heart froze.

" Why you say that? " I asked.

" I-I heard him on the phone saying he gon' get him and his boys gone my next week. " She said sounding like she was about to cry.

" Calm down. Okay? " Tia nodded and looked at me.

" What's gon' happen? " She asked me sadly.

" They're about to come to my house. That's your brother though. You pick a side. " I told her.

" But you know why it's hard for me. " She cried.

" Come over here and we'll talk more. " She nodded.

" I love you Tee. "

" I love you more. " She hung up and I sighed loudly.

" Lawrdd we finna deal with killers and drug dealers. " Zoie said standing in my doorway.

I laughed. " I don't know what to dooooooo. "

" It really has nothing to do with you. She just dragged you in it. "

Before I could answer the doorbell rung then someone knocked on the door. Zoie beat me to the door and opened it.

" Li' boy don't beat on my damn door like you crazy. " Zoie yelled at Nick.

" Sir, ma'am, whatever. Please excuse me. " Nick said. Tyler stood behind him trying to
hide his laughter.

" What yo fine ass yelling at? " Zo asked him. Tyler just gave him a blank stare.

" Come in y'all. " I said pushing Zoie out the way.

Nau'Jour was just getting out his car. I thought he wasn't coming in.

" Wassuh? " He said stopping in front on me.

" Hello. " I said stepping aside so he could come in.

" No hug? Wow. " He said walking in but stopped enough for me to close the door.

I tried to act normal but the way he stared down at me made me nervous. I proceeded to walk towards the living room when someone else knocked at the door.

Nau'Jour smirked at me before going to the living room. I opened the door and saw Tia.

" You for real or you plotting with him? " I asked Tia. I didn't want to come off as rude but I needed to know.

" Zee he was talking about killing me and my parents too. " She cried. I opened my arms and hugged her.

Once we were done hugging I locked the door and went into the living room with everybody else.

" So you don't know it you're the daddy or not? " Zo askee Tyler.

" Zo leave him alone. " I told him bringing attention to me and Tia.

" Awww why Caillou upset? " Nick said trying to hug her.

" She has something to tell y'all... " I said making them all look at her.

" I-I think my brother trying to kill y'all and me. " She said making them all give her a blank stare.

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