Who's an adult now!

I pressed the red button and heard Liam's voice, "Could you get me some coffee from the cafe down the street, just black nothing else." his voice sounded a bit harsh which made me flinch at the foreign tone.

"Okay, I'll go right now." I waited for a response but, the line was cut so I figured that was it.

When I left I took the elevator down and I spotted Nathan. Which reminded me of how Liam said I was flirting. Did Nathan see it as that?

"Hey Belle." he seen me as well, coming right over, "You getting lunch, care for some company?" he asked with such a polite smile.

"Yeah I was but, I have to get Mr. Black a coffee." I couldn't help but smile as well, "Maybe after?" I suggested, not wanting to be rude.

"Of course."

When we walked we talked about how I'm doing so far at the company. And we talked about the charity event this Saturday. It was mandatory for any business associate to be there.

"So are you taking anybody?" he questioned, meeting my eyes and my cheeks heated up once we made it to the cafe.

"No I don't really know anybody that much to ask." I whispered feeling nervous he'd ask me as we entered the cafe.

I didn't want to be rude but, I don't think I should be dating right now. If it even escalated to that especially him working in the same place as me. I just overall found the thought overwhelming. Plus it would confirm Liam's suspicions of my flirting which I wasn't. Then again I might be giving myself a little too much credit for thinking he wants to ask me. When I got to the counter I ordered one plain black coffee and waited for it off to the side with Nathan.

"I was thinking of asking someone but, I'm not sure what she'll say." he started while we took our seats at the small wooden table in front of us.

I gulped in anticipation before I responded, "Why do you say that?"

As if the gods were on my side my name was called and I excused myself to go get the drink. I even paid for it as he didn't give me any money. I'm so grateful for this distraction though. I went back and he was on his phone and once I got there he looked up, I gestured for us to get going. When we did the conversation never picked up just comfortable silence as we approached the building.

"So I was thinking we try a different lunch place this time you in?" he spoke up meeting my eyes, the coffee being the only thing in my senses.

"Pizza." I blurted out just when we boarded the elevator.

A light hearted chuckle came from him and he nodded, "Pizza it is."

Once we made it to the tenth floor I headed to Liam's office, Nathan trailing behind. When I got there I knocked while he waited by the door for me.

"Come in." his deep voice sent shivers down my spin that felt oddly good.

I opened the door and our eyes connected as he sat in his chair behind his desk. For a second I was at a loss for words, his suit jacket was off, his tie was loose while his black hair was a disheveled mess. I felt my face already flushing at how attractive he looked. Without thinking about it I walked over to where he was sitting. Those eyes held a guarded expression as I placed the coffee in front of him.

"Here's your coffee, did you need anything else?" I asked, before I went and had that pizza I suddenly wanted really bad right now, just to escape his gaze.

When he reached out for the coffee I barely noticed my hands still on it. So I got to feel his hands over mine for a quick second as he took the coffee from me. My eyes catching sight of all the pretty rings adorned across his fingers. It made my breathe hitch and my heart rate increase.

"No." he stated, I just smiled through my nerves, backing away.

"Alright well I'm going to go for my lunch now." I stated, anxious to leave the room that's suffocating me.

The only response I got from him was a nod and I turned around, exiting the office, "Ready to go?" Nathan asked and I'm sure my cheeks were flushed.

"Uh, huh." I squeaked out, he smiled starting to walk away while I dazedly trailed beside him.

Just as we almost made our way to the elevator I heard the door to Liam's office open, "Miss Fawn."

I stopped short, Nathan mirroring me , "Yes?"

The moment his eyes traveled to Nathan, my cheeks blazed, "I..I need your help with something." he finished his eyes now flickering back to me.

"Now?" I questioned, looking back at Nathan who had his gaze on the ground.

"Yes." he replied firmly, drawing his eyes back to Nathan for a quick second.

"Okay." I turned to Nathan smiling politely while he spoke first.

"Maybe we can get that pizza another day, yeah?" he made me smile with his question, he was really sweet.

"Yeah." I smiled in return, nodding my head and he left to the elevator.

I turned around to face Liam who was still watching me. My nerves kicked in and I slowly started to walk over to him and he moved aside to let me in.

"So what did you need help with." I asked, making my way into the room the middle of the room while he shut the door.

"I thought you said you weren't flirting?" he muttered as he walked passed me and to his desk, making himself comfortable in his chair.

The question caught me by major surprise, what does it even matter if I'm flirting or not. Not that I am never in a million years would I be. I'd rather flirt with Gracie than an actual guy.

"I-I'm not."

I shallowed out as he leaned over his desk and my body tensed up at the oddly heated energy in the room. My eyes were taking in how dark his orbs went while they openly gazed at me with the most taunting look. They raked from my eyes to my hair and ever so slowly to my lips. He quickly looked away and I noted the way his body heaved and his nostrils flared with every breath he took. It made me quickly realize how mad he was.

He sat back in his chair and with a small hint of aggression he mutters, "Whatever, just don't do it on my time." he met my eyes during the last bit.

I couldn't think of what to say back to that because, I was still trying to figure out why he was mad.


Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Any thoughts?


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