Tripping Into Love

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Skylar Pov~

"Mom do i really have to go to this new school?" i asked her but already new her answer. I looked into her blue eyes trying to convince her to let me not go. "You need to quit with the looks and tell your sister we are going to be late." I ran up the stairs and banged my younger sister's door. "Cheyenne you need to get your butt downstairs. Im mean really your in third grade and your already taking thirty minutes to get ready."       She swung open the door, "Excuse me Skylar but Im a very mature third grader and i have an image to uphold." I laughed while picking her up, "What image is this?" She started punching my chest, "Skylar Lee Mason put me down this instance."I set her down, "What movies have you and mom been watching, my little drama queen." She turned away from me and ran to get her back pack.

"Mom I got Cheyenne downstairs my work here is done. I will be waiting in the car." I grabbed my bag and started the car. Cheyenne opened the car door and slammed it, "Cheyenne you know mom doesnt like you slamming doors." She mumbled something i didnt catch. My mom jumped into the car flooring it, "Cheyenne we will be going to your school first honey and then Skylar im going to drop you off at the main office go straight through the front doors and get your schedule from the secretary, i think her name is Sherry."

            I went up to Sherry and grabbed my schedule. I looked through all of my classes and i had math first. I hate math so much, hopefully Mrs. Barcus isnt bad. She introduced me to her class and thats when i saw a girl. I was amazed at how beautiful her eyes are. She looked me straight in the eyes and i saw how carmal they looked. It looked like God himself spent forever drawing those egyptian jewels. I didnt even notice anything else in the room until Mrs. Barcus's voice told me to sit next to this goddess.  "Hey Im Skylar." I directed towards the class but as soon as i sat next to Taylor, or at least thats what i thought the teacher said her name was, i said, "Hey Taylor Im Skylar.


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