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April 22, Wednesday
"What's up?"

"I hate my Geometry teacher."

"Ooh. I wish I could share the sentiment, but I don't think my dad would be happy to hear that. I do, however, hate the subject."

"Ha thanks. But I swear they can't even teach!"

"If they can't teach then what do they do?"

"Most days we don't do anything! He puts something on the board, we copy it, and that's it! He doesn't explain and then we have an hour of nothing. He sits at his desk and watches football!"

"Do you try asking him to explain?"

"Yes, I've asked him! He just tells me to figure it out and goes back to his game!"

"Hmm. I got nothing."

"Well that was my rant of the day. Any from you?"

"Umm let's see. If I have to go over how to properly curtsy one more time then I'll rip my hair out."

"Wow. You sound like you're living in the 1800s."

"Let's just say my family is very traditional and wants to push those views onto my sister and I."

"I know you hate it, but how does your sister feel about it?"

"She's on my side about it. She says the pointy shoes are the worse part and I say the suffocating dresses are."

"What do you have to wear corsets or something?"


"Wait they still make those things?"

"Unfortunately yes. They make me want to put the sass in assassin."

"Join the dark side! We have cookies."

"Cookies and insanely attractive people? Forgot joining, I'm moving there!"

"So you think I'm hot?"

"No. I'm out of your league, peasant. You must be imagining things."

"If not me then who?"

"Jason Todd, Loki, Maven Calore, Selina Kyle, sometimes Lorcan, Celaena Sardothien, and I should stop now or else we'd be here for hours."

"I have a question."

"Do you now?"

"Yeah. When you were naming people, you named some girls."

"No duh Sherlock. Though that's more of an observation than a question."

"Do you...do you like girls?"

"I like both genders, but I prefer boys."

"Oh. Do your parents know?"

"Am I alive and talking to you?"

"Uh yes."

"Then no. As we already covered, my parents are very traditional. It would not go well if they found out their heir is bisexual."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's simply my reality. I'm expected to marry a rich guy and have kids to carry on the family name."

"Are you ok with that?"

"Nope! But my opinion has never mattered and I doubt it ever will."

"That sounds lonely."

"It can be. But don't worry about me, I'm the queen of sarcasm remember? And being queen means that I'm stronger than I seem."

"But you're still human."

"Yuppy doo Scooby Doo. Maybe I'll be pitied when AI takes over."

"You're crazy."

"Yes I am! Thank you for noticing!"

"You're welcome. Now I'm afraid that I have to go. Bye crazy!"

"Bye idiot."

*End of Call*

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