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April 18, Saturday
"Yes or no?"

"Yes or no what?"

"Just answer the question. Yes or no?"

"Umm. No?"

"Why no?"

"Because I don't want to agree to something without knowing what I'm agreeing to."

"Ok thank you!"

"Why did you ask?"

"I want to be a psychologist so I try to come up with questions pertaining to that."

"How does yes or no relate to that?"

"If you think about it, it reveals a lot about a person's personality."

"Like if they're a positive or negative person?"

"Besides that."

"Well what else does it say about a person?"

"I'll let you figure that out. Anyways now you know what I want to do, what about you?"

"Oh. I want to be an architect."

"That's cool! What kind of architecture?"

"I don't know yet."

"I can understand that. I mean we have our whole lives ahead of us!"

"I mean I guess. It depends how old you are."

"Oh I'm seventeen. You?"

"Ha! I'm eighteen which means I'm older!"

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Right. If I were an octopus then all three of my hearts would beat for you."

"Why settle for three when you can have mine?"

"That was good."

"Almost as good as I look."

"Ok Mr. Ego don't be getting ahead of yourself."

"I am simply stating facts, darling."

"Want to hear another fact?"

"Is it about me?"

"It can be. Anyways it's people see you 20% more attractive than you think you are."

"No wonder why girls fall over themselves around me! I must be breathtaking."

"Hmm. Now how many of those girls will still find you breathtaking when you go bald?"

"Wait what?"

"Well studies show that by the age of 35, 66% of men will have experienced some kind of hair loss. But if there's hereditary male baldness in your family, 25% of men will begin to lose their hair before the age of 21. And how old are you again?"

"Ok I'm going to hang up before you give me nightmares."

*End of Call*

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