"Are you not comfortable sitting next to me?" Saint asked, worried.

Derek looked up to him. "No. It's not so. It's just that I have heard so much about you but the kind of person you are, it's different. And I don't know how to talk to you. Kenji told me you are dating Perth."

Saint was taken aback. Derek was quite straight forward. He liked that. At least he will not have to be pretentious in front of him.

"Are you and Kenji together?" Saint asked him.

Derek was blushing red. He shyly nodded his head. Saint smiled at him.

"Then, can we also be friends? Just like Perth and Kenji?" Saint asked.

Derek looked up to him. "I thought we already are." He answered.

"Then don't be reserved with me. I have only known people who keep staring at me or hating me or giving me weird looks. Unlike Perth and his friends. And, honestly, I have never had a friend in my life. It would be good to have one." Saint said.

Derek smiled back at him. Kenji and Perth returned with food. They finished that and went back to the field for the next challenge. Here, they were provided a list. They had half hour to look for things mentioned in the list. The list included:

...Something red

...Something round

...Something made of plastic

...Something that starts with H

...Something smaller than a paper clip...

...and so on. The first five pairs will be chosen for the next challenge. The pairs were disbursed on the ground, looking for hints. After twenty minutes two pairs had already completed their challenge and handed over the things to the facilitators. Kenji and Derek became the third pair. Perth was anxious as he was determined to win this competition with Saint. It was almost a minute to half hour when they succeeded in finding the last thing and ran to the finish line to hand over. The whistle blew, and instead of five there were four pairs only.

Having cleared these challenges, Perth and Saint and Kenji and Derek was exhilarated. The announcement was made, and the final four pairs were given a week's time to show their talent. They had to perform either a dance or sing a song together. The participants were sent off for preparation. They decided to go out for dinner together to celebrate.

On receiving the news from Perth, Gulf could find some happiness from this gloomy day. Mew had gone out of station to get the manuscripts from an author who had been dilly dallying for a long time and their production time was nearing. He was a difficult client to deal with, therefore Mew handled him personally. Before leaving, he had assigned a week's tasks to Gulf. In short, he would not return for a week. For no reason, Gulf kept sighing and sulking whole day long. Of course, he did notice that Tay would walk by his desk more than usual. Having sighed for numerous times, Tay could not keep his curiosity.

"What's wrong Gulf? Missing him? It's just been half a day." Tay teased him.

Gulf was shocked.

"I am sorry, Tay. It's not that. It's just that today there's competition in Perth's university and am anxious about him." Gulf replied. Of course, it was a half lie. He knew his brother well. Perth was not someone who'd give up so easily, but he could not admit to Tay. Especially, having found the person he had been looking for such a long time, that person who was making his feelings twisted, giving those weird expressions, and those sad eyes, it was all bothering Gulf. He could not sleep that night, nor the other night and the entire day he kept daydreaming. He could not talk to anyone about it as he himself didn't know what he must make of it.

Tay smirked at him. "Don't worry. He misses you too. He'll come back to you as soon as he finishes."

Gulf looked at him with mouth open wide. "Tay. I didn't say I was missing him."

Tay raised his right eyebrow. "Oh, but your expressions did. After all, having just found the love your life and not able to meet him the next day, I can understand. After our graduation, I missed New too much. I never realized how important he was for me, when I left abroad for studies and he stayed here. He entered the entertainment industry and when I saw him all over my IG, promoting his upcoming series, standing so close to another guy, acting all lovey dovey, I hated it so much. I wanted to get inside the phone and punch that guy. Now when I think about it, I am glad I realized my feelings faster. Else, I would have lost him forever."

Gulf was listening to him intently. Tay looked down on him. "Grab the opportunity right when it knocks your door, you never know if you would get it again." Tay blinked at him, leaving him all confused and left from there. Gulf was trying to make sense of what Tay was trying to tell him. His phone started to ring.

It was Mew.

"Hello?" Gulf answered.

"Hi. How are you?" Mew asked him.

"I am fine Mew. How are you?" Gulf replied.

"Well I miss you. I am sorry I could not inform you of my departure. I had to leave last night, immediately." Mew answered.

"Yeah. It's okay." Gulf answered shyly. Why was he getting shy? It's not like Mew was his boyfriend. But why does hearing Mew's voice make him relax? His heart started racing when Mew told him he misses him.

"Don't stress yourself. This week is a bit relaxing. Just take care of the work I assigned you. And call me if you are stuck." Mew informed him.

"Yes, Mew. I will take care of it." Gulf replied.

There was silence on either side. Gulf could hear Mew's breathing. He could feel him near.

"Um...Mew...?" Gulf called him.

"Yes, Gulf?" Mew asked waiting for him to say something.

"When are you coming back?" Gulf asked hesitatingly.

Mew smiled. "I will try to come back soon, baby." Mew replied.


Blood was rushing, making his face red, warming up his ears. Gulf was dumb struck.

Mew chuckled. "I gotta go. Take care, Gulf. Text me when you reach back home. Bye." Mew cut the call.

Gulf was blushing, turning his ears and cheeks red. Did Mew really call him baby? Does Mew like him that way? If he did, why didn't he tell him? If he does, will he be ready to accept Mew as his boyfriend? What was Tay trying to say him again? There were numerous questions running in his head. But in the end, Gulf sat there smiling to himself.

Mew Gulf Sweethearts (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now