Chapter 35: Chain Reaction

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Mark found a solution for his feelings.

He distracted himself with showing affection to the other members.

It was weird, how he always ran away from Haechan, when the younger showed him affection. Being flustered by his actions.
But how he so shamelessly played with Winwin's ear right now and also asked for some hugs from Yuta.

Mark couldn't understand this.
But he felt better.
His anger for Haechan vanished.

He even looked over to the younger, who 'coincidentally' looked back.
Or so Mark thought.

Mark smiled at him, now finally being able to do it again.
But all he got from Haechan was a cold stare.

Was the younger now mad?
God, what was going on that day?

He continued to joke around with Winwin and Yuta, laughing loudly for everyone to hear.

Haechan being jealous was a normal thing.
This happens to all of us, when we really like someone.

But something really bothered Haechan.
This was, why he was so mad.

He could always hide his jealousy.
But this kind of broke his heart.

He didn't know, why Mark was so affectionate with the others.
Maybe if he would have known, he wouldn't have become so angry and things would have gone a different path.

But he didn't know.
And that is why things came like this.

The shooting was really almost done by now.
Only one scene with all together was left.

But before they would shoot this scene, they got a little break.

Mark, who was now feeling good enough to talk to Haechan, went over to the younger boy.

"Hi", he said smiling.

"Hi", Haechan shortly nodded and then looked away.

"How about, when we got home, we watch a movie together before we go to  bed?", Mark asked enthusiastically.

"I don't really feel like it", Haechan mumbled without looking at Mark.

"Okay, that is enough!", Mark said slightly angry.

Before Haechan realized what was going on, his wrist was caught in Mark's hand and the older dragged him to a corner, far away from everyone.

"Okay, what is going on?", the older whisper-shouted angrily.

"What do you mean?", Haechan asked with crossed arms, shrugging.

"Oh, don't you dare play oblivious."

"I seriously don't know what you mean", Haechan said and again didn't look at Mark.

"Oh, is that so. Then I will gladly explain. First I had the feeling you were ignoring me the whole day. But I thought maybe I am just imagining. After all you don't have to spend every minute with me.", Mark sighed frustrated.

"But now you are treating me like this. You give me the cold shoulder and I just can't understand why."

"Mark, that is not true-", Haechan tried but Mark was not having it.

"Oh yeah? You are not even looking at me right now.", Mark let his arms drop to his sides.

Haechan scoffed but still didn't look at Mark.

"Just tell me what is wrong", Mark almost pleaded.

"You really want to know what is wrong?", Haeachan finally looked at Mark.

"Yes, please."

"I never get affection from you. I am not even really allowed to give you affection. So why are you all cuddly with WinWin-Hyung and Yuta-Hyung?", Haechan scoffed but in his eyes you could see nothing but sadness.

But Mark didn't recognize the sadness in the younger's eyes.
He rolled his eyes and raised his voice: "I told you that you can now use affection with me. But since I gave you permission you are so hesitant."

Haechan scoffed once more. "Yes now. But it needed a long time to make you comfortable with my affection. But you practically run to the Hyungs and give them affection. They didn't need to put any effort in it, while I practically had to fight for it." Haechan also raised his voice.

Mark snapped with Haechan's words.

He pushed Haechan slowly against the wall, his right palm on Haechan's cheek, the other hand on Haechan's shoulder.

Mark dropped the hand on Haechan's shoulder, as soon as Haechan's back was against the wall.
But the hand on his cheek didn't move an inch.

Mark slightly leaned closer and whispered. "You want affection?"

Haechan gulped. Mark invaded all his senses. All he could see, hear, smell and feel was Mark.
He even could taste Mark. His lips so close to his own.

Mark leaned forward. He slowly closed the gap between their lips.

Mark was so focused on Haechan. All he saw was the younger's eyes that fluttered close.
He realized the unsteady breath of the boy.
And Mark even believed, he could hear the younger's heartbeat.

Their lips brushed against each other.

They were so so close.

But then

like always

they heard someone shouting:

"Everyone, please gather for the final scene."

Mark immeditaley let go of Haechan.

He looked in the shocked eyes of the younger, then turned around and left.

Haechan was out of breath. But the only reason for this were his feelings that went overboard.

Haechan had hope.

He thought this moment would have changed something.

But in the end they pretended it never happened.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin