The Miller's Daughter

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"You get to go with Ben and Hadley back to the loft."

"What?" I gasped, "I-I can fight! I have Magic!"

"You are staying out of the crossfire." Mary Margaret told me. I glared up at her, my eyes turning gold and a soft growl escaping my lips.

"Hadley." Ben called softly, placing his hand on my shoulder, "Let's just go." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. When I opened them, my eyes had returned to blue.

"Fine." I hissed, "We'll get him to the loft. But, if I feel any sort of danger, I'm coming in fangs blazing." I turned on my heel and stalked away.

Sitting in the loft with Henry and Ben was boring as heck

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Sitting in the loft with Henry and Ben was boring as heck. I was chewing my nail so much as I paced the floor I swear I was gonna make footprints. "This is ridiculous!" I protested, "I have Magic, Mal has magic! The two of us can at least hold them off, subdue them at least!"

"Hadley..." Ben sighed,

"No, Ben, you know that. I know we don't have full control of our magic we can at least-" I stopped my pacing, my heart hammering in my chest.


"Something's wrong." I breathed. I hurried over to the window and ripped open the curtain, trying to find the Pawnshop.

"Hadley, no." I turned to Ben, he was standing up and looking right at me. "You can't, Mary Margaret said-"

"I don't care." I said, "I'll be back when this whole thing is over." I waved my hands and instantly, I materialised in front of the Pawnshop. I ran forward, bursting through the doors and raced into the back room...only to see Regina clutching Mother, who was still. Gold was upright and walking. "No..." I breathed, tears welling up in my own eyes. I shakily took a step forward, falling onto my knees next to Regina, "No, no, no! She can't be gone!" I clutched Mother's suit, "Mother! Please! Come back to us."

"She loved us." Regina said, causing me to look up at her. "She...she truly loved us." I sobbed, burying my head into Mother's still shoulder. Regina pulled me close, the two of us pressing close to each other as we cried over our Mother's death.

"Regina!" Mary Margaret's voice carried through the shop as two sets of feet ran into the back room, "Stop!" Regina lifted her head, and I could practically feel the hatred roll off her in waves.

"You did this." She almost growled.

"How could you!" I screamed, whipping my head to glare at them, tears running down my cheeks, "You're supposed to be good! You killed the only one who has ever shown me kindness!"

"But Cora kidnapped you." Mary Margaret argued.

"She was my mother!" I could feel my eyes turn gold as Mary Margaret took a physical step back, "She raised me, showed me love and kindness and compassion, more than you've ever shown me since I got here."

"But-" David started.

"Everyone just leave!" My eyes snapped shut, and I could feel my Magic flare and David, Mary Margaret and Gold disappeared from the shop.

"Everyone just leave!" My eyes snapped shut, and I could feel my Magic flare and David, Mary Margaret and Gold disappeared from the shop

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Mother was laid in the guest bedroom of Regina's house, and I was seated on the couch, curled up in a blanket. Regina came in with a steaming mug of tea. I reached out to take it with shaky hands. She then sighed, setting both mugs on the coffee table and settled in next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I pressed close to her, closing my eyes and letting the tears fall down my cheeks. "You said she loved us?" I rasped.

"Well, you know her, she didn't really express her emotions that well." Regina sighed, "But...her last words...they heavily implied it."

"What were they."

"She said...she said we were enough." I looked up at Regina. "I know I'm not...the best person to be sisters with, but after everything that's happened, I want to try." I gave her a smile before closing my eyes and settling back onto the couch, pressed up against her.

"I love you Regina." I whispered. And I swear, I heard her repeat the same thing before I slipped into unconsciousness.

The Second DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin