Kindergarten. In Certain Ways, the Most Memorable.

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Never judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, or it will live it's entire life believing it's stupid.
~Albert Einstein

Coulda taken this opportunity to use a doctor Seuss quote, but this fits better. In my kindergarten years I have many memories. Maybe I'll do two or three parts for it. For today I'll just start with the infamous storytelling of "Kittlesby Seuss". You may be wondering, why isn't your last name up there? I'll do everyone a favor and ignore the question.

It was just after math, where we drew shapes such as square and triangles, when we had our free time. I decided to go over to the tote full of books, the area completely barren due to everyone wanting to play with toy cars, and picked up The Lorax. I then reluctantly left to sit on a chair to read.

I started on the first page reading aloud to myself. Several people had apparently heard me reading to myself and decided to intrude in on my 'introverted' self. It is probably a good point to mention I had transferred school systems right after preschool. All the people in the old town were toxic anyway. (That's a bit ironic. You'll see why later.) I was quite introverted till people reached out to me to talk. I think this was the point they decided to talk to me.

As I started to turn the page I noticed the teacher looking at me with a slight glow in her eyes, like a father might have when his son learned to ride a bike. I, however, can't ride a bike. While reading the kids were somehow caught in a trance of either me reading or the books excellent plot.

When I finished the book the teacher took a deep breath and told everyone to get our the mats for movie time. Movie time was typically just seen as nap time. I, of course, could not sleep unlike many of the other kids. I still thought back to how I had read and they had listened. If my voice were this powerful, why not use it more often? No, I decided while watching Charlie Brown. Power was not meant to be abused, but distributed and respected.

Okay everyone since you finished this chapter you might as well vote or comment. I will be updating this, if not daily as frequently as possible. Thank you for your time!

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