Chapter 6

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*2 years later*


Freshmen. It was crazy to think I'm now a freshmen in high school. From being at the top of the food chain to the bottom again. Selena and I were more then excited because of the new school and now there will be hotter and older guys. Joe would roll his eyes whenever we talked about the upper classmen. As the years went on, I found myself falling more for Joe each day as I would also notice how much he has changed. He most definitely got taller over the summer when he came back from New Jersey after a month. He came back towards the end of summer. It was hard staying away from him for so long. I nearly tackled him to the ground when he came back. His voice got a bit deeper too making him even more attractive. His hair started to curl at the ends. He also got a bit more toned and muscular as he probably worked out over the summer. It was totally hot. I was hoping this would be the year I would finally be brave enough to tell Joe how I really felt. We went out to our hideout and camped out there over the summer looking at the stars and we would just talk, like we always did. I would still tell him all my secrets and how I would feel and he would do the same. I trust him with everything I have in me and I know he trusts me as well. Even though I'm starting to see Joe in more of a 'crush' way than friend way, our friendship still comes first and that would never change. Selena caught me a few times smiling at my phone whenever I recieved a text from Joe. We texted each other every chance we got. Selena was the one who told me I should tell him how I feel this year. But I don't wanna make a fool out of myself if I do tell him and he doesn't feel the same way. It could ruin our friendship.

I was applying my mascara and getting my hair done before I had to leave for the first day of school. I was more excited than I was nervous. Joe texted me last night saying Nick would drive us to school in the mornings now since it was a farther walk and Nick went to the same school.

"Demi. Come down for breakfast!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"I'll be there in a minute" I stepped back and checked myself in the mirror one last time. This summer I decided to add highlights to my hair, so I now had carmel colored streaks. Selena and I also went to the beach a lot this summer so we definitely got a tan. I looked like a whole new person. Joe was even surprised when he came back from his trip and saw me. He even had to do a double take to make sure it was me.

I trodded down the steps with my backpack in hand and plopped it down next to me. My mom placed a giant plate of breakfast in front of me. I couldn't eat all of this, it was way too much. I didn't eat this much this summer and I preferred it that way. I knew if I had one bite of this it would make it's way back up a few minutes later. I've been eating less and less now as I couldn't get any fatter than I already was. If I did eat, it would make it's way back up. Yeah I may be eating less now but I wouldn't consider it a problem. At least I haven't made it in to the hospital yet and I'm not terribly sick. I would say I'm just fine. I mean people skip meals every now and then.

"You know mom.. I'm not really that hungry. I'll just take an apple and leave. Joe's gonna be here any minute" I checked the time on my phone.

"Demi, I can't go on the rest of the day knowing you didn't eat a good breakfast. It's the first day you're gonna need a lot of energy" She gave me her pleading look.

"Demi just eat the food it won't kill you" But it will, dad. I rolled my eyes at the both of them and started stuffing the food in my mouth.

"You happy now?" I said with a mouthful of food. I could feel the food slowly making its way down to my stomach. I can't imagine how many calories I'm putting into my body right now. It's almost making me feel sick.

"Swallow your food first, then talk to us Demi. Where are your manners today?" She scolded at me.

"Sorry" I wiped my mouth and then heard a beep outside. It was Joe and Nick.

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