Chapter 5

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*2 months later*


February. It's been 2 months since Joe and I kissed and each day I fall for him a bit more. We talk more now and it's clear that he doesn't remember that night. We move on each day as if it didn't happen, but I still think about it and every part of me wishes he would remember that night in December. If he kissed me though does that mean he has feelings for me too? I know he was half asleep but there had to have been a reason he did that. When I told Selena about it she got all giddy and excited for me. I couldn't help but to laugh at her excitement and enthusiasm. Now when Joe hangs out with us, Selena gives me a playful look and wiggles her eyebrows up and down. I would often times roll my eyes, glare, or kick her under the table if she did that. Joe would be oblivious to Selena's actions which was a good thing. I noticed lately that Taylor has been talking and hanging out with Joe more too. I would always see her at Joe's locker or would sit with Joe, Selena, and I at lunch. It was clear she would be flirting with him. Joe and I were walking to his locker as we got to school talking about his baseball game he had tomorrow.

"So yeah my game is tomorrow and you should come" Joe exclaimed excitedly as he did his locker combo and opened his locker.

"I'll have to see. I mean I'm a pretty busy person with a pretty busy schedule, so I'm not sure if I can fit you into it" I teased with him.

"Come on Dems. You're my lucky charm and one of my biggest supporters I need you there" He basically pleaded.

"Please I'm not your lucky charm. You'll probably still win without me being there" I leaned against the locker next to his.

"Yes you are. If you're in the stands I know we'll win. When you're there I feel like I have more energy feel like our team could actually win. It wouldn't be the same without you being there cheering me on from the stands" He said while grabbing his math textbook from his locker. I've seen Joe play and he was pretty good. I would cheer him on and he would always give me a small smile from the dugout. He did win his games when I was there because apparently one time when I couldn't go they lost, but I just think he's supersticious.

"Fine fine. I'll be there. Maybe I'll ask Selena to come so I won't be bored and burning while I sit in the sun watching your game"

"And Selena will say no because she doesn't wanna burn in the sun" Selena said from behind me and soon stood next to me "I'm not going and there's nothing you can do that will make me wanna go" Selena stood her ground and crossed her arms. She could be stubborn at times but I know I can bribe her someway.

"Come on Sel for me?" Joe swung his arm around her while Selena scoffed and pushed his arm off of her. Joe just laughed and closed his locker.

"As if. The answer is no Demi sorry. Have fun without me"

"Come on Sel please? There's food there and maybe some cute boys you could meet" I nudged her playfully. This time it was Joe who scoffed while I laughed. Selena thought for a moment while I gave her my puppy dog eyes, she groaned in defeat while uncrossing her arms.

"Fine. But you're buying the food" We all started walking to our classes then.

"Yay thanks Sel you're the greatest"

"Yeah yeah but you're still buying the food" I started laughing. Joe put his arm around me while we walked like he usually did. It was comforting I must admit.

"Hey Joe" Taylor walked up on the other side of him. I mentally rolled my eyes and Selena did as well. Selena didn't hang out with her other friends as much anymore as she preferred me over them which made me happy. Her and Taylor apparently got into a nasty argument and are no longer friends or at least that's what she told me when she came by my house angry and upset one day.

"Hey Taylor what's up?" Joe slowly started to drop his arm that was around my shoulder as he slightly turned and faced Taylor. I already missed his comfort of his arm around me. I was really starting to fall for him.

"I was just wondering if you could come by my place after school today and help me with math? I don't understand what we're learning and I know you could help me with it" She batted her lashes at him. It was disgusting. Selena softly gagged and I tried to stifle a laugh. Taylor glared at the both of us and gave me one of her 'i'm better than you' grins. I rolled my eyes at her this time.

"Yeah sure I'd love to help you" Joe smiled at her and I could feel myself getting jealous. Selena put her hand on my shoulder which calmed me a little bit but not really.

"Great. I'll see you after school then at my house" Taylor lightly brushed her hand on Joe's arm before she walked away. We all continued walking in silence. We got to my class first and as Joe said bye I gave him a tight hug before he left. I didn't want Taylor to take him away from me.

"Ugh I hate her so much!" Selena and I walked into my room while I dropped my backpack on the floor and flopped onto my bed. Selena and I saw Joe and Taylor walking back to Taylor's house so he could help her with homework. Before Joe left me, he gave me a hug and I hugged him back. I noticed Taylor glaring at me while Joe hugged me and I gave her one of her smiles back at her. While they were leaving the school, Taylor 'accidentally' tripped causing all her books to fall. Joe, being the sweet guy he is helped her up and picked up her books handing them to her as she thanked him and batted her eyelashes at him. She knew I was watching so she did her best to flirt with him in front of me.

"I know. It's so obvious she didn't fall on accident. I hope Joe's not that stupid to fall for her little games" Selena plopped onto my chair.

"I hope so too. And if she even makes a move I swear I will-"

"Don't hold back now. She's clearly trying to make you jealous" Selena stated.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious Sel" I rolled my eyes while playing with the edges of my pillow. It was clear I was jealous and was annoyed with Taylor.

"Do you think it's stupid of me to be jealous at Taylor?" I asked Selena.

"No. I mean if some girl was obviously flirting with the guy I liked I would be jealous too" Selena said while grabbing my snowglobe on my table and playing with it

"Do you think Joe likes me as more than just a friend?" I asked fiddling with my pillow now. I knew that there's no way he liked me as more than just a friend, but a small part of me says he does.

"I think he does but he's just too afraid to admit it to you because he doesn't wanna ruin the friendship you guys have. Like Joe probably thinks the same thing as you do 'what if she doesn't like me back?'" Selena did have a point there.

"How do you know he likes me back?" Selena put the snowglobe down and came towards me on the bed.

"Demi you gotta be kididng me it's so obvious he likes you. The way he smiles at you and the way he laughs at your corny jokes and puts his arm around you like it's nothing. It's right in front of you Demi he likes you"

"But why would he-"

"Demi. He. Likes. You. I don't know how many times I have to say it for you to get it through your head. He likes you and the proof is all there. I wish you would see it because I do and it's so obvious he likes you. He's only with Taylor right now because he's nice and sweet and he doesn't wanna hurt Taylor's feelings by saying no. I'm sure he's dreading helping her right now and would rather be here with us" I lightly laughed at her comment. Selena always knew how to make me smile or laugh.

"I love you Sel thank you and I hope you're right" Maybe one day I'll ask Joe how he truly feels about me and maybe he'll feel the same back. That is if nothing gets in our way.

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