Chapter 10

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*3 months later*


I couldn't be happier right now with my life. I had the greatest boyfriend and my best friend Joe back in my life. We hung out more often now and I always cherished the time we spend together. I still wasn't fond of Taylor but I guess I should start getting used to it because he made Joe happy. If only he can see past her facade and know she isn't who she says she is. Maybe he just doesn't see it because he really likes her. I've gotten in an argument with Joe about Taylor before and we stopped talking for a few weeks before we both apologized. I figured I guess if he makes my best friend happy that's all that should matter even though I don't approve of her. Joe has gotten in arguments with me before about Zac. Joe doesn't really approve of Zac because he says Zac is a complete jerk who's changing me into someone I'm not. I refuse to believe that because it's not true. I'm still the same person I was the beginning of the school year. And Zac has been nothing but sweet to me. He treats me well and makes me happy. Joe and I don't really see eye to eye on each others relationships so when we hang out we usually talk about other things. I've supported him at his baseball games and he seems like a natural. 

It's May now. But at least it's a Saturday and Selena and I are spending it together and then heading out to another party tonight at Britt's. We've gone to many parties in the past few months and they've always been a blast. Britt and our friends always encourage us to 'drink up' or 'take a hit' while we're there and we never say no because we fear that they might not like us anymore if we told them no. I didn't mind it though because it was actually quite enjoyable. It's like all my problems just slip away and nothing seems to bother me. I actually feel happy and relaxed. Something that's difficult to reach these days. When Zac and I went to the mall once I saw him glancing at a girl that walked by. She was much skinnier and prettier than me and it just made me feel more insecure about myself. I don't eat as much anymore and exercise much more frequently. It made sense why Zac would look at her the way he did. I wanted him to look at me that way too. He tells me I look pretty all the time but I just don't believe it. 

I was in my room deciding on what to wear to the party tonight. I usually wore shorts and a tank top but it was colder tonight so I needed to bundle up a little at least. Someone knocked on the door a few seconds later.

"Come in" I said as I was rummaging through my closet. The door opened and in walked Selena smiling at me.

"Ready for our day together?" She sat on my bed and went through the clothes that was layed out on my bed.

"No I'm still deciding on what I wanna wear tonight. I wanna look good for Zac" I spoke with my back to her. I then turned around and faced her. Selena rolled her eyes.

"Demi you'll look good in anything. Zac likes you for you so just wear whatever" She threw a pile of clothes at me and she told me to wear that. I threw it on and grabbed my stuff before heading out with Selena.

"Mom, Selena and I are leaving now" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Okay you girls have fun. Be safe. I love you Demi" She hugged and kissed me as I let out a groan. It's not like she's not gonna see me again I'll be back tomorrow morning. I lightly hugged her back before I peeled away from her.

"Yeah love ya too bye" I walked quickly out the door. I swear it's like my mom cares too much sometimes. She didn't know I was going to the party tonight with Selena. She thought I was simply hanging out and sleeping over at Selena's. She doesn't approve of me going to these parties so I lie to her and my dad that I'm hanging out with Selena and sleeping over. They're so gullible. I'd never dare return home shit faced drunk or high after a party. I'd get in so much trouble that i'd probably be grounded for life.

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