Chapter 4

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*4 weeks later*

I was eating lunch with my new friends on the baseball team. After I tried out the coach decided to give me a shot. Bryce and I grew closer as friends and had a lot in common other than baseball. I glanced at the table across the room from where I was sitting with Demi and her new friends. We haven't talked to each other in weeks and I really did miss her. I tried to make an effort to talk to her over the phone or in person, but every time we did it would be interrupted or we would be busy. She was sitting there laughing at what someone was saying. I wouldn't be lying if I said I missed my best friend but my mom was right we did need to spend some time apart to develop and grow as individuals. She looked stunning as always and I couldn't help to fall for her a bit more. When she didn't meet my gaze I sighed and returned to eating my lunch.

"So I was thinking after school since we don't have practice, you, me, and the guys hang out at the food court at the mall. Is that cool?" Bryce asked me. He was always hungry and always ate it's a miracle he was still fit.

"Yeah that's cool with me" I told him. The bell rang a few seconds later indicating that lunch was over. I headed to my next class and got in my seat. The tardy bell rang and I didn't see Demi or her friend Selena next to me. A few minutes after the bell rang Demi and Selena came in being marked tardy. The teacher gave them a warning since it was their first. Demi plopped her backpack on the desk and got her stuff out. A few minutes later both her and Selena were talking and giggling about something.

"Ms. Gomez and Ms. Lovato is there something you would like to share with the class?" Our teacher asked them.

"No m'am sorry" Selena fully turned around in her desk. When class ended I decided to talk to Demi because I did miss her and I wanted to see how she was. However, when I turned to my right, she was already gone. I saw her backpack and Selena dragging her out of the classroom. I tried to catch up but there were too many people in the halls. Hopefully Demi and I would be able to talk soon or after school. Sometimes after school I would go to our hideout and I would sit there hoping she would come, but she never came. I'm starting to think Demi replaced me with Selena but I can't get jelous over something as small as that.

I sighed walking out of my last class of the day ready to leave as it felt like this day would never end.

"Hey dude" Bryce popped out of no where and startled me a bit "Sorry I didn't mean to scare ya" he apologized as we walked out of school. I was trying to find Demi but she was no where to be seen.

"You ready to go to the food court because I'm starving" I laughed. Typical Bryce. Always hungry and wanting to eat.

"Yeah lets go" I told him.


Selena and our friends were going to the mall with us today once school ended. Her friends have really warmed up to me and were really sweet. All except for Taylor. She I'm pretty sure is only friends with me because Selena is friends with me. We were going to the mall again to walk around and hang out. I haven't talked to Joe in what feels like forever or hung out with him. I do miss him I'll admit that. I miss the way we would walk to school in the mornings and the way he makes me laugh. Or when he smiles at me and my stomach gets those small butterflies. I couldn't help but feel that way towards Joe. He's my best friend and to have a crush on my best friend would be weird. It's not that I haven't tried talking to him, it's just that I've been busy with school work or I would have plans with Selena or he's busy with baseball. Selena and I have grown closer together and she's almost like a sister to me. We've had a sleepover already and it was honestly so much fun because we would talk about boys and other stuff we had in common. I couldn't do that with Joe so it was a nice change.

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