Chapter 19

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Third person pov:

         After Arthit asked Aim to explain everything Aim signed and said "First answer my questions P'Arthit". "What is it".

     Aim asked "Have you done a background check on Apple or not". "Ofcourse I have done it especially Knot. He himself go and check the orphanage where Apple grown up and also we have checked her scholarship". Aim signed and said "no wonder they are very clever". Bright asked in confusion "what do you mean by they baby". Aim said "the orphanage you checked belongs to Sam Wattana and she got scholarship because she is smart". Namtan asked "what is Sam Wattana have to do with Apple what is their connection".

           Aim took a deep breath and said "P'Tutah and Oak can you guys get a any article or news about Sam Wattana 15 years ago". Tutah and Oak did as Aim said finally they got a news which is 15 years old, which says that Sam Wattana has two daughters. All are shocked except Aim. Arthit is the one who broke the silence "how did you know that".

        "It's nothing serious like I wanted to hide something it is just a bitter past which I wanted to forget".

      Again Aim took a deep breath "15 years ago my dad and Sam Wattana are business partners. I used to play with his daughters actually I used to be their slave. My dad always took me in the weekends to their house to play with them. Even though I don't wanted to play with them hell .... I don't even want to see them. But I can't do anything because my dad only had 25% of share in the company, so the 2 bitchs threatened me if I tell anyone about their torture they will make their father to through my dad on the streets and will make our family suffer. I am afraid that because of me my family will suffer that's why I didn't tell anyone. After sometimes my dad found out that Sam Wattana is a greedy person and my dad is the person who wanted to help people. So he decided to break the partnership after that my dad opened a small business by himself and now which is famous in this city. After the break of partnership I never saw those bitchs who is Khao Fang and Apple. Yes Apple. Apple is Khao Fang's elder sister."

      " When I saw Khao Fang in University I immediately recognised her. But she can't recognise me. I have been happy whenever P'Arthit stood up to her, my thought was like 'finally someone is showing her, her place. You deserve it you bitch' like that. But I have never met Apple until I recognised her in profile of the workers. That's it, that's how I know all the things".

       The whole gang was silent and Bright is hugging and assuring Aim. Arthit said "thank you guys for all your help, nong Aim don't worry I will take care of those two". All noded.

Time Skip

       After 2 months everything goes back to normal. Arthit is again successful in Business this time for a change Arthit appointed Aim as his secretary and Aim happily accepted the post, Bright also don't have any objection but had a condition that he also need a job with his boyfriend and he wants to be near his boyfriend. Arthit without a choice give up to Bright.

           Now that Knot, Tew, Bright, and Aim are working for Arthit and Kongpob. (What about the others let's see) Prem is a photographer and Wad is following his path by assisting him as a partner in work and as a boyfriend.

            May, Prae, Maprang and Namtan started a wedding arrangment business after seeing Arthit and Kongpob's wedding lot of people approach them so they decided to make it as their career.

      For the last couple Tutah and Oak opened a cafe in  partnership with eachother. But secretly they are working for the cops as hackers.

      Now our beloved Kongpob he is 5 months pregnant next ultrasound test they will know the baby's gender. He is also busy in torturing his husband. Like " P'Arthit do you think our baby is alright because look at my bump it is bigger as I am 10 months pregnant when it is only 5 months". "Baby it's nothing may be you have lot of water in your stomach, it will give the baby lot of space you know". "Really Hubby". Arthit noded. Kongpob smiled to Arthit's words.

    Other times like Kongpob wake up in the middle of the night "P'Arthit wake up". "Baby what is it are you not feeling well? Do you want to go to the hospital?". "P'Arthit I want the combination of chocolate and strawberry ice cream and I want mango pickles to be spread on top of it". "But Baby it's a midnight and we don't have ice cream in house and what a weird combination". "P'Arthit I don't care I want it now go and get it, don't come back without getting it". With a sign Arthit wandering around the streets to get what his Baby wanted.

        Another occasion where Kongpob is crying, Arthit got panic "Baby what happened why are you crying". "P'Arthit I am fat, look at here not even my single dress is fitting for me. I am afraid that you will not love me". "Baby I will love you until my last breath. No matter you are fat or not, but you are my precious". Eventually Kongpob stoped crying.

         Here Arthit is standing in front of the house for 4 hours until Kongpob call him to come back. Why because accidentally Arthit drink one of Kong's pink milk and Kongpob got mad and kicked Arthit out of the house. After 4 hours he called him back and apologize for his behaviour.

      So this how the 5 months journey went for Arthit. On the 6 month while having the ultrasound test they are surprised to find out that Kongpob is carrying twins. Arthit and Kongpob's parents and friends are so happy.


     Hi friends the story has come to an end their is only one chapter left. What do you think about this chapter comment about it.

        Do anyone have any suggestions for the name of the twins? Mention about it in comments.

       Finally thank you for your votes and comments.

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