Chapter 14

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Third person pov:
           (After 6 months)

         Arthit and Kongpob are married for 6 months now. In this 6 months their relationship is going well. Their company also started to establish in more places. Arthit and Knot is trying to balance both personal and business life. Arthit and Kongpob's relationship become more romantic. Arthit is giving the medicine to Kongpob through juice in the morning. He have been giving the medicine for six months but still there is no change in Kong's body. Even though he is little disappointed, he didn't lose hope.

           In this six months Khao Fang tried numerous times to approach Kongpob. Even though Kongpob avoid her she still approach him. When ever Khao Fang is near Kongpob, Arthit always stand beside him. Even Kongpob stared get suspicious that 'how can Arthit stand beside him whenever Khao Fang approach. How did Arthit know that Khao Fang is approaching him'. Whenever he asked Arthit what he is doing there Kong always get a answer like 'I miss you Baby. That's why I am here to see you'. ' I wanted to have lunch with you'. ' I am getting bored in office'......ect.

         Even though Kong doubt it is not true he brushed it off because there is someone to show Khao Fang her place. Unknown to Kongpob Tew is the one who inform Arthit about Khao Fang's appearance. Whenever Tew call Arthit, Arthit always leave all his works to stand beside his husband to support him or to show whom he belongs to.

         In this this 6 months no one is single in both seniors and juniors group. After 3 months of Kong and Arthit's marriage Namtan gathered her courage and finally asked Maprang out on a date. To her surprise Maprang agreed to her. Arthit and Kongpob is surprised to know their friends relationship.

Arthit's POV:

               After I finished the meeting, I was sitting in the office I got a call from nong Tew "P'Arthit that girl is again trying to talk to Kongpob". "I will be there in 5 minutes". I cut the call and inform Knot that we are going to the University again.

         When we arrived University I saw that Khao Fang is trying hard to persue Kong. My blood is boiling with angry. 'she never learn her lesson, but today I am going to make her learn her lesson'. I marched to the direction where my Baby is standing. I went near him and hugged him from behind. "Hey Baby I miss you so much". Kong is stratled by sudden hug and with a blush asked "Hubby what are you doing here at this time".  Now I am sweating 'hoo crap this is what I am feared of most' All the time I have to tell new reason to Kong so he  don't suspect me.

             "Hmmm... Well... I have just finished my meeting. I wanted to take you out for lunch. I came here to ask if you are free for lunch". I saw my Baby is blushing and smiling. I also notice that Khao Fang is becoming red with angry. She shouted "P'KONGPOP I am waiting here for your attention I just wanted to talk to you and atleast befriend with you but you never give me glance. Please P I just wanted to be atleast your friend". How dare she shout at my Baby and how dare she is asking permission to get close to my husband infront of me. Sudden sound made all us stand like a statue including me.

              "How dare you are I was tolerating you because you are young and top of that all you are a girl. But you have crossed your limit. Don't you know the meaning of the word 'no' no means no I don't wanted to be near you. Just stay away from me, my friends and my husband in the University and outside". I have never seen Kong this much angry. After coming out of the shock I smirked at her and said "now you have seen his limits stay away from my husband. You better know your place. I will not always warn you because I too have my limits to everything. You get it stay away" I pressed on last four words. Khao Fang shouted again "what is he having that I am not having. He can't even give you a family I can give. He is a man. Don't you get it P'Kong I love you. I am madly in love with you".

         I was taken aback by her words before I could say anything Kong said "he have everything I want the main thing is love. That is everything for us. For you I don't care about you and your feelings. I have nothing to do with it. Even though he is man, he is my man, he is my husband who have all rights on me. If you still don't get it that I am married and happy with my marriage life than I will make you get it". Suddenly Kong pulled me by my coat and kissing me on my lips. I was in shock by his sudden action. When Kong realise that I am not kissing back he started to frown. I come out of my shock and kissed him back. Now take full control over Kongpob's body. I was exploring his mouth Kong was kissing me with equal hungry and passionate.

            We forget about our surroundings. We kissed eachother until Kongpob moaned "aaahhh.... Hubby". We break from the kiss due to lack of breath. Kong turned to Khao Fang and said "now you get it how much I love him and need him". With tears and shaking her head as no Khao Fang run away from there.

            Kong hide his face in my chest due to embarrassment. "You are so bold today Baby. Shall we go home, I think we have other things to be taken care of". I laughed at my Baby's red face. Suddenly I remembered something "hooo no before going home I think we should go to store". Kong asked in confusion "Why Hubby".

          With a smirk I said "we run out of Condoms and I am thinking of buying a coffee flavour because it is your favourite one". Kong with blush and embarrassment hit Arthit's chest and said "P how can you talk like this in public without thinking". "What I am just talking to my husband not others". Kongpob with a pout stared walking towards the car and Arthit is chasing after him.

Khao Fang POV:

         How can you do this to me P how can you. I know P you are not doing it with your will that baster Arthit is making you tell and do all this things. Don't worry P I will make you mine. I will make you forget about him. we will be together soon just wait for my sister. She will make you free from that relationship. I am not mad at you P I will wait for you. Soon we both will be in eachother's embrace.


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