Reflection 7: One last look...

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As the world around Nix, Shinji, and Ren began to turn back to normal, the three finds themselves in an apartment...

Nix: "Where are we...?"

Shinji: "Welcome to the Kido Apartment!"

Ren then proceeded to walk out the door...

Ren: "Thanks for the bringing me nearer to my apartment, Shinji"

Shinji: "No problem!"

Shinji: "Now let's get you legalized!"

Nix: "Huh, Legalized? EHHHHH!?"

Shinji then starts his car and drove Nix and himself to the adoption office!

A/N: I don't know the proper term or name for it, so I'm just gonna call it "Adoption Office"

Shinji filled out all of the necessary documents...

Clerk or Office Lady?: "Now, all that's left is to get consent from boy's family..."

A/N: Again, I don't know this type of thing

Then the door opened and showed a man with a flask with black hair!

Nix: "Uncle Qrow!"

Besides the man is a woman in red armor wearing a white mask...

Nix: "Aunt Raven!"

Shinji: "So I guess, introductions are redundant?"

Qrow: "Long time no see Kiddo!"

Shinji: "Have we met before?"

Qrow: "What do you mean?"

Shinji: "My name is Shinji Kido, I want to adopt Nix"

Qrow: "Hm..."

Qrow: "Oh! Sorry, I was referring to Nix..."

Raven: "I swear, how the hell did you become a father married to Winter and have two sons...."

Qrow: "It's called charm and effort"

Raven: "Funny, I feel sorry for the unlucky family..."

Qrow: "You're just jealous that I'm a better parent..."

Raven: "You Son of a-"

Shinji: "Now, now!"

Shinji: "We are in a public place and I'm sure that we don't want a Huntsman brawl unless you want me to take you two into the Mirror World..."

Qrow: "Well...Parenting aside, I'm here to sign the consent contract, so you can have full custody of Nix here..."

Raven: "Same"

Qrow: "Me and Raven have been informed about you from Ozpin, so considering what you did for my nephew, you're alright in my book"

Raven: "Ironic  coming from the guy who doesn't generally dislike books..."

Qrow: "Shut it, Raven!"

Qrow: "Thanks to you Nix now has a proper home with a person who has a lot of things in common"

Raven: "I agree with my bad luck charm of a brother here, but please promise us to treat Nix well and let us visit him from time to time..."

Qrow: "Yeah and that too..."

Shinji: "I will treat and take care of Nix with everything in my power!"

Qrow: "You're a good guy, you know that?"

Qrow: "Nix?"

Nix: "Yeah Uncle Qrow?"

Qrow: "Don't forget about me alright...?"

Nix: "I won't!"

Raven: "You better not forget about me..."

Nix: "I won't, You're too scary to be forgotten Aunt Raven!"

Qrow was trying so hard to hold his laughter as hard as he can to no avail, as Raven quickly knocks him unconscious and opens a portal...

Raven: "Thanks for saving Nix..."

Shinji: "No problem..."

Shinji: "I'll raise him right, so don't worry!"

Nix: "Thank you, dad!"

Shinji's heart melt as Nix said that!

Shinji: "No problem, so what is going to be your name?"

Nix: "I've decided, I'm Onyx Kido..."

---Time Skip---

Shinji then brought Onyx home to his Apartment...

Shinji: "Welcome Home, son!"

Onyx: "Good to be home, dad!"

Shinji then takes out some ingredients as he is making dinner, as the process took longer than expected...

Shinji: "I'm making dinner, what do you want?"

Onyx: "Up to you..."

Shinji: "Alright!"

Onyx then goes to the room provided by Shinji and fully unpacks, as Shinji is cooking

Onyx then puts everything that he has and makes himself comfortable with the new home...

Onyx while unpacking then finds his Ryuga Deck

Onyx: "I almost forgot that I had this in my bag..."

Onyx ponders on what to do with it...

Shinji: "Onyx! Dinner!"

Onyx: "Coming!"

Onyx then comes out of his room and enters the Dining Room with his deck...

Shinji: "Now since that, all that Anger and Hatred is gone, what are you going to do with that now?"

Onyx: "I don't know...?"

Shinji: "Well, Let's put it in a case and use it for emergencies only..."

Onyx: "I guess..."

Shinji: "Now come on! The food's getting cold!"

Onyx: "Oh! Ok!"

Onyx sits down and eats while talking to Shinji who sat across him, considering that the two are the only tenants in this Apartment...

Onyx enjoys the conversation with Shinji as the two laughs and eats in glee, as the view zooms out and shows the Ryuga Deck placed next to the Ryuki Deck...

Story Ends...

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