Reflection 4: Sides...

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Ryuga fought and won against Ozpin, and Beacon's students with Summer and Taiyang from Team STRQ!

Ryuga: "Those idiots thought they could defeat me..."

Onyx: "What a bunch of morons..."

Ryuga: "Especially, CRDL"

Onyx: "Well at least we did a service to the world for killing those pompous dipshits..."

Ryuga: "One good deed..."

---Scene Change---

Ozpin: "Summer, Tai, Ruby, and Yang..."

STRY: "Yes...?"

Ozpin: "Mind telling me why you abused an innocent child?"


Ozpin: "Ms. Schnee and Ms. Belladona told me..."

Ozpin says as the two individuals mentioned stood behind them...

Summer: "I want my son back..." she said as tears begin to flow down her eyes and cheeks

Ozpin: "I think it is too late..."

Tai: "What do you mean Oz?"

Ozpin: "You're son has been consumed by the darkness that is reflected from the Mirror World"

Summer: "Consumed!?"

Ozpin: "This is the second time that this happened, as it happened previously with good friend of mine"

Ozpin: "He was a Huntsman from Mistral named Shinji Kido and he was involved in a war that caused him to also be consumed by the darkness within him, luckily he had people to help him..."

STRY all tear up upon hearing this...

Ozpin:  "I fear that your son is too far gone..."

Summer: "P-p-Please save him!"

Tai: "Why can't you call your friend!?"

Ozpin: "Because he went Missing during a mission..."

Ruby: "Do you know what happened to him?"

Ozpin: "I'm afraid that he's gone off the grid for me to locate him"

Yang: "What mission did he take?"

Ozpin: "His mission was a investigate and terminate mission..."

Ozpin: "Back to the topic at hand, if you are able to find him there might be a chance of saving Nix Rose"

Ozpin: "But I fear the darkness has taken over his heart entirely..."

STRY: "We will do anything to save him!"

Then laughter is heard inside the windows...


???: "You all think that saving me will be easy?"

???: "You demons will understand the pain I went through and suffer!"

The window and mirrors began to have a visible ripple which made a distinct ringing noise...

The group immediately surveyed their surroundings!

Then stopped when they saw Onyx in the reflections...

Onyx: "You think, I will immediately let bygones be bygones!?"


Onyx: "Think Again! The reason I'm like this is because of you four!"

The Cracked RoseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz