Reflection 1: Hatred Formed

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Nix Pov:

My name is Nix Rose, a kid who is abused by my family, those bastards (My so-called Parents) and devils (My so-called Sisters)

Ruby: "You're just a mistake!"

Yang: "You waste of space!"

Summer: "I wish I have aborted you!"

Tai: "Piece of Shit!"

This has gone for years, Uncle Qrow never knew my existence, even Aunt Raven...Just so you know how I know their names are because the attic has a thin floor and I could hear everything going on downstairs...

Summer though that it would be great to have a slave around the house, while Tai thought of having a personal Punching Bag that he could release Stress upon!

I was subjected to both torture and enslavement...

Ruby: "Mom! Nix broke a plate!"

Summer: "WHAT!?"

Nix: "Huh?"

Summer then swipe kicked me resulting me to fall down and she then proceeded to beat me down!

Tai joined the beatings, as I see the red devil giggle in the background...

Afterwards I couldn't move my body, the two bicker and scolded me because I was lazy and a useless child!

I kept my patience for Ten Years...

I've waited to be loved

To be cared for

To be accepted...

But it never happened

I kept being beaten




I tried to be civilized, only to be kicked down...

I couldn't leave this hellhole...

???: "Why are you still here?"

Meanwhile Ruby and Yang were eavesdropping on me...

Yang: "Look's like the trash is going cuckoo!"

Ruby: "That slave is hearing things...!"

I heard a voice and thought that the abuse could have made me hear things...

???: "I know how they treat you, why do you insist to stay here?"

me: "I guess I still have hope..."

Ruby and Yang felt their heart sank, they feel guilty over their actions...

But the two brats knew that I wasn't hearing things as their eyes widen and hear the mysterious voice too...

I know what I said, but that hope I mentioned slowly dissipated to leave and show HATRED, RESENTMENT, ANGER!

???: "You can't lie, for I know the truth..."

me: "Who are you!?"

???: "Don't you recognize your own voice?"

I gasped as I heard my own voice...

I tried to find the source of the voice in what's left of my room!

???: I'M HERE...

I followed the sound of the voice and tracked it down to an old mirror...

I then see my own reflection in a dark light smiling menacingly...

me: "I must be hallucinating"

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