chapter twenty-three • veritas

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"Veritas liberabit vos." — "The truth shall set you free."
- Jesus Christ

Gemma and I step into the pitch black office. She flicks a switch, casting light to a large room full of desktop computers. The walls are painted a deep green—fitting, since she works at the Emerald Tribune—and the desks are made of a dark brown wood, each customized with a flare of personal touch.

We walk toward Gemma's work space, which is the epitome of organization. Her name placard sits perfectly straight atop the spotless desk, her pens are kept in a glass mug beside her computer, and her papers are neatly stacked beneath a translucent crystal paperweight.

"This is my second home," she says, pulling up another chair so I can sit.

"I like it. It's very... Gemma." I flash a smile, but it instantly fades when she pulls something out of her purse.

A USB drive.

This must be the one she was panicking over the other day, the one she couldn't find. She hands it to me. I gently touch it's smooth, black exterior. It feels like I'm holding something priceless.

"Where'd you find it?" I ask, remembering how she suspected I was the thief in question.

"I didn't. My friend who encrypted the original drive was smart enough to back up the files on his computer. This is just a copy," she explains.

My eyebrows shoot up. "Encrypted?"

She nods her head. "Yeah, Rae put these files in a technological prison."

"Wait, Rae?" I exclaim, unable to mask my shock. "The original flash drive belonged to Raelyn?!"

"I found it the day we took Evangeline to their old apartment in South Side," she admits. "It was sitting in a drawer, the word 'veritas' written on it. I couldn't just leave it, you know?"

I stare at the flash drive, feeling a combination of both fascination and fear. "What the hell is on here, Gemma?"

"Videos," she answers. "Four videos, all made by Raelyn while she was still alive."

"Let me watch them," I demand. I need to see these videos. I need to know if Raelyn said anything about Benson.

Or about me.

Silently, Gemma inserts the flash drive into her computer and clicks on the first file. I gasp when Raelyn's face fills up the screen. She looks so happy, so alive. Her crimson hair hangs around her face in perfect waves. Her viridescent eyes twinkle with unspoken delight. I watch as her rose-colored lips part into a wide, exuberant grin.

"This is... surreal," I whisper.

Next to me, Gemma nods her head and says, "Trust me, I know. Here, put your headphones on. I don't want anyone else to overhear."

Even though it's nine o'clock and we're the only people in the building, I obey. Once situated, I press the play button. Raelyn Porter comes to life once again.

"So Vange and I are finally moved into our new apartment! It's a two-bedroom, complete with a view of this beautiful cemetery from the kitchen window. I can't wait to take Vange for walks there. I had to use most of what Gram left me to afford this place, but the rent isn't bad. I have a good job now. I'm a hostess at the diner across the street. My manager's a total sketch bag, of course. He keeps calling me Rae-Rae. You know how much I hate that."

Rae-Rae. I can't help but smile. Dad used to call her that when she was a kid.

Suddenly, Raelyn's grin fades. She takes an audible breath and adds, "I realize I haven't always made the best choices. I'm trying to do better for Vange. She's such a smart kid. She's only two, but she's already counting and naming colors and stuff. The other day, we went to the park, and she lined up a bunch of rocks in order from smallest to biggest. Another mom who was, like, twice my age didn't believe me when I said she was only two.... So, anyway, I just wanted to update you on the recent on-goings of my uninteresting life. I hope to hear back from you soon! We'll have to meet up. I can't wait for you to meet Vange. Bye!"

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