chapter nineteen • the intruder

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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself."
- George Orwell

Even with my headphones on, I can hear Benson's booming voice from downstairs. It's my dad's birthday, and we're having a celebratory dinner for him. I, of course, am hiding upstairs until the food is ready. I feel like an asshole, but I refuse to spend more time with my older brother than I am already obligated to.

As I wait to be called, my mind wanders to Zayna. My girlfriend. I'm still shocked that I told her I loved her. I think she is, too. I don't regret it—I meant what I said—but I'm usually more careful with my words, more cautious with what I say.

I wish she could be here tonight. I want her to meet Evangeline, Gemma, and my parents. Benson, on the other hand, can keep his distance. If he were to ever look at her the wrong way, or even for too long, I would lose my temper, as well as control of my fists. I know what he is. He hurt Raelyn, so who's to say that he wouldn't—or hasn't—hurt someone else?

Perhaps I should warn Alyx, his girlfriend, a.k.a. Raelyn's doppelganger. I'm sure she'd be thrilled to discover that her new man is actually a monster.


I venture downstairs, curious as to why Mom hasn't yelled for me yet. It's almost eight o'clock. There's no way dinner isn't ready.

Immediately, I sense that something isn't right. I'm greeted by six pairs of frightened eyes. Evangeline's green orbs are glistening with trepidation. I turn to Gemma, desperate for an explanation.

"Raelyn's long lost mother, Carla, paid us an unexpected visit," my sister informs me. "She burst through the front door and demanded custody of Evangeline."

I place my hand protectively on Vange's shoulder. "She's crazy. She wasn't there for her own kid. Why the hell does she think she could take care of Evangeline?"

Gemma shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know, Bowie. For some reason, she hates us."

I wonder if Raelyn ever confided in her mother about Benson. Maybe there are other people besides me who know the truth.

As I help Mom set the table, I glare at my older brother. He has his arm draped over Alyx's shoulder, his demeanor calm and carefree. I wish I could smack that insouciant smirk off his face. Life has been too easy for him, too good to him.

We sit down and begin to eat. Well, "eat" isn't the correct word. Mom, Dad, Gemma, and I are shoving our food around our plates. Evangeline hasn't even picked up her fork. Benson and Alyx are the only people who are actually eating.

"I can't believe I missed all that," I say, eager to break the uncomfortable silence—and also to get more information. "She really just walked into the house like she lived here?"

"Something tells me that wasn't the first time she's done something like that," my mom mutters, rolling her mocha-colored eyes.

"What was she saying about you, babe?" Alyx looks up at Benson. "She was like, 'I've heard quite a bit about you, too.' What the hell?"

Ah, this is interesting. I turn to my brother, waiting for his answer.

Benson raises his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. "Who knows? She's probably still the same drug-addled lunatic she was fifteen years ago."

I let out a sigh. He seems unfazed by the whole encounter. But thanks to Alyx, I know one thing for certain: Raelyn did talk to Carla about Benson.

I just have no idea what she said.


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