chapter eleven • getting ready

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"You should have loved a god; I am but dust."
- Richard Aldington

"Bet you can't catch me!"

"Vange, my legs are twice as long as yours."

"You're still a slow poke!"

"Oh, now you're gonna get it!" I sprint toward Evangeline, grab her by the waist, and lift her off the ground.

"No running in the house!" Mom hollers from the kitchen.

Evangeling and I exchange a knowing look as I place her back on her feet. She rolls her emerald eyes before busying herself with one of my old Batman action figures.

Exhausted from chasing a six year-old around, I collapse on the sofa next to Gemma, who has a far-removed expression on her face. She clutches her coffee mug so tightly that I fear it's going to shatter in her grasp.

Something's off with her. She hasn't said anything to me about it, but the sad twinkle in her eyes gives it away. For the past three weeks, she's been sleeping at Mom and Dad's instead of her apartment, and I'm starting to worry.

"You okay?" I ask in hopes of getting her to talk. Gemma's not one to discuss her feelings. She and I are alike in that sense. "You look a little blue."

"I have a lot on my mind," my older sister answers.

"Does it have to do with you-know-who?"


I can't help but laugh. "Funny. No, I mean"—I lower my voice so Evangeline won't hear— "Raelyn."

"A little bit," she replies. "I don't know. I got in a huge fight with Levi. We haven't spoken in weeks."

"Ah, so that's why you've been staying here."

"He kind of kicked me out."

My jaw drops in disbelief. "Uh, isn't your name on the lease?"

"He didn't kick-me-out kick me out," she elaborates. "He needed some space, so he asked me to leave."

"What was your fight about?" I question her.

"Honestly, I don't even know. I accused him of being an alcoholic. Then I accused him of favoring Raelyn over me. Then I said that people who commit suicide are psychotic. Then he confessed to having once attempted to take his own life. Then I tried to apologize, but he was already too upset and told me to get out."

I let out a heavy sigh. My sister is one of the brightest people I know.

Simultaneously, she is also one of the dumbest.

"Uh... Gemma," I finally say, "I love you, but unless you're leaving out a few crucial details about what Levi did wrong, it kind of sounds like you owe him an apology."

"I said I was sorry!" she exclaims.

"Try an edible arrangement?" I suggest, hoping to raise her spirits.

"You're so not funny," she chastises me. To enforce her point, she gives my arm a smack. "Bowie, what should I do? Levi's my best friend. I don't want to lose him."

"Go talk to him," I tell her. "Sitting here moping isn't going to fix it."

"You're right." She hands me her half-finished coffee. "I'm gonna pay him a visit right now."

I chuckle. "Finally. You've been sleeping on the couch for almost a month."

Her brown eyes widen. "Wait, what's today's date?" she asks in a panicked voice.

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